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Opinions of Friday, 4 June 2010

Columnist: Sayibu, Akilu

The Celebration Of June 4 In Ghana Is A Tacit Way To Provoke Ghanaians!

On 4th June 1979 a young military officer who earlier was denied admission into the Ghana Army for not having the requisite qualification by name John Rawlings staged a coup d’état in Ghana. It must be stated that, that military adventure was seen to be very popular initially.

The reason for the popularity and initial acceptance of that coup was that, it was staged against another military regime in the country. It was a case of two wrongs making a right! Also the coup makers had alleged that, the then military rulers of the country had made general living conditions in the country worst! All the bad things in the country then were attributed to those officers. However, the new military regime led by Chairman John Rawlings promised that, they were to return the country to a democratic rule so that, probity, accountability, and good governance that in their view were lacking in the country would return.

Against this backdrop their action was hailed and welcomed. However, some excesses were committed which in sum were the very things the military take over was against in the first place. Former Heads of States of the country and other senior military officers were bundled to Teshie and killed without good accountable trials!

Women were striped naked and made to roll on the floor and in dirty waters. Some women had implements inserted in their private parts and some were also raped; all in the name of what was termed as hoarding of goods or “Kalabule.” Some were killed and even up to date their bodies could not be traced. The deplorable activities that accompanied the actions of June 4 were such that it will take me eternity to enumerate here!

Inspite of these excesses the military Junta led by Chairman John Rawlings did return the country to Democratic rule after months in office that saw Dr. Hilla Limann and his People National Party (PNP) won the elections of 1979.

It must be explained that, most Ghanaians who supported the “revolution” then did that because it was staged to topple an illegal regime and also because of the promise to return the country to democratic rule. Because Ghanaians cherished democratic rule and were just promised it by Chairman Rawlings and his officers they welcomed it.

What must be explained is that, if the same Chairman Rawlings after staging the 1979 coup and returning the country to democratic rule had stayed in the barracks and not come back on the 31st December 1981 to over throw a democratically elected Dr. Limann, June 4th would have been worth celebrating. It would have been hailed as the event that ushered Ghana into democratic rule. However the return of Chairman Rawlings in 1981 spoilt everything.

The catch words of Chairman Rawlings and his cronies after criminally robbing Ghana of democratic rule were probity, accountability, and good governance. Sadly however, from 31st December 1981 to 7th January 1993 Ghana was ruled not by the ballot box but by the “Ballot Gun” with one man called Chairman Rawlings determining when Ghanaians were to sleep, when they were to wake up, who was to be killed, and who had the right to live!

Ghanaians with pot-bellies were accused of corruption and killed after they were tried in cases by blind Tribunal Chairmen who were either school drop-outs or Middle School leavers. The “law” was applied after the blind Tribunal Chairmen ran their hands on the stomachs of suspects. The fate of a suspect was determined by how big his pot-belly was and not by the law. So the question to ask is, was this the good governance and accountability promised Ghanaians? Even though Chairman Rawlings and his cronies came to power through the promise of accountability; the question to ask is that from 1981-1993 where, who, what, and how did they account to Ghanaians?

What and where was the probity they promised Ghanaians? Was the probity the massacre of the three Judges including a breastfeeding Judge who was taken away at the very moment she was feeding her baby killed and burnt? Was that good governance that should be celebrated in Ghana today?

What about my uncle Mohammed and others who were shot between Kanville and the Kamina barracks in Tamale under trumped up allegations that, they were hoarding goods and engaged in “Kalabule”? If even they were hoarding goods and indulged themselves in “Kalabule” was the way they were killed probity, good governance, and accountability that should be celebrated? Was it good governance to loot and burn the Tamale market under the guise of “goods were hoarded there”?

Chairman Rawlings; do you know how many people in Tamale died out of shock as a result of the burning of the Tamale Market? Do you know how many school going children dropped out of school as a result of the burning of the Tamale market because their parents were impoverished as a consequence of that?

Just what are you celebrating Chairman Rawlings? The betrayal of the real principles of June 4 which were probity, accountability, and good governance which you betrayed every inch?

Akilu Sayibu UK

Email: [email protected]