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Opinions of Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Columnist: Poku, Kwaku G.

The Christians Must Stand Up Against NDC Party

In a country where Christianity is the predominant religion, it is disheartening to see when the government deliberately threats it members and their leaders with contempt and scorn. Ever since the NDC party came to power in 2009, the members have heaped insults upon major Christian leaders in the country at any opportunity they get. This despicable and unhealthy behavior from the members of NDC must stop for good and the peace of the country.

Moslem is a minority religion in Ghana but the religion and its members is untouchable. Saying any unpleasant thing against Imam or Alhaji can result in one arrest under this administration. It is only in Ghana where the government foots the bills of the members of one religion to travel to Mecca. Yet we have not heard any Christian leader condemn this unhealthy practice. Will the government foot the bills of Christians in Ghana to travel to Israel or Rome? I know the Christian Council of Ghana will not appeal to the government for such financial assistance but has the government sat down to think about this?
To hear a grown up person like Dr. Tony Aidoo and his propagandists to insult Pastor Mensah Otabil last week was appalling and unbecoming of majority of NDC members. What was the Pastor’s crime? To dispute the content of the purported tape he had made about free high school education?
Dr. Aidoo’s childish over reaction to Pastor Otabil opened the flood gate for uncouth and uncultured members like Twum Barima, Fiifi Kwetey, Felix Kwakye and others to ante the insults. I do not know what they wanted Pastor Otabil to do especially if it is true the tape was not entirely true. To keep quite? May be Christian leaders cannot easily be bought.

The fact that Pastor Otabil’s purported tape decrying free SHS education was a like a precious gift to NDC against the opposition party shows the caliber of the man. So for the leadership of the NDC party to unchain these despicable members in the party, especially Twum Boafo, to heap insults on the man show how anti-Christian NDC party is. Twum Boafo has before insulted the leadership of Presbyterian Church and members of Christian Council of Ghana.
NDC members and the party as whole have every right to align themselves with one particular religion but that does not give them an opportunity to intimidate and insult other religion especially when the other religion is the majority.
It is about time Christians in Ghana stood up against this NDC.

Kwaku.G. Poku
Alexandria, Virginia
[email protected]