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Opinions of Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Cowards Have Turned On Hopeson Adorye - A Soft Touch?

Cowards, indeed, die many times before their deaths. They always look for the soft touch to destroy. But this time around, whoever that coward is, or was, that published a slanderous article against Nana Akufo Addo in the name of Honourable Hopeson Adorye, will be in for a bloody hiding.

I want to inform the whole world that the article is/was not the handiwork of Hopeson Adorye. The publication was put out on the internet by one of the cowards from Nana Addo’s rival camps to stimulate hatred towards Hopeson Adorye. It is only a fool that will not be able to tell that the article does not come from Hopeson as purported, but by a person with intention to cause division within Nana Addo’s camp and among his faithful, of whom Mr Hopeson Adorye and Mr Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, alias Sir John, are two pivotal individuals.

Nana Akufo Addo, my “David and Joseph”, cannot be fooled by such preposterous publications to cultivate hatred for Hopeson. Nana is far above that pettiness originating from malevolent groups or individuals. Hopeson is the very left hand man of Nana Addo as Sir John is his right hand man or the vice versa.

Barely a week ago, I heard Hopeson grant an interview on air where he alleged a known London-based NPP man was putting out mischievous publications to discredit him. He did mention the name, but I will prefer to withhold it for now while I conduct my own investigations before I release it. Certainly, all those that heard Hopeson grant the interview on WBLS, a London-based FM radio station and online, did hear the name mentioned.

Whoever put out the article titled, “Nana Addo Suspends Campaign On Health Grounds”, on Ghanaweb and other electronic media on Sunday, 3 August 2014, with Hopeson Adorye as the author, is a coward. The person has not got the rigid balls to own up to their name and publication. Shame on the person!

The wise ones in the NPP family know for certain that Hopeson of all Nana Akufo Addo’s supporters will not act as deceitfully as someone is portraying him.

Nana Addo is not unhealthy as alleged by the publication. Truly, he has temporarily suspended his campaign to ensure Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, does not short-change Ghanaians with his ten-day registration of new people onto the voter register. He is helping other concerned Ghanaians or citizen vigilantes to keep watchful eyes on that obstinate Septuagenarian who doubles as “me ntie obiara” electoral criminal. At Afari Gyan’s age, nearing his grave by old age, he still behaves irresponsibly criminally without the fear of God in him. He colludes and dines with criminals to enrich himself by letting a whole nation down. Had it not been him, Ghana would not be in her current mess with incompetent persons at her helm of affairs.

Can Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan now sensibly define what “Over voting” is, or he still goes by his classical, but stupid, definition of, “Over voting is when the ballots cast exceed the number of persons registered on the voter register for any given polling station”. He reneged on the earlier and agreed definition by all parties and Ghanaians that, “Over voting occurs when the number of ballots found in the ballot box exceed the number of ballot papers issued to voters registered to cast their votes on the voting day”. Therefore, if sixty ballots are found in the ballot box as against fifty ballots issued to voters turned up to cast their votes, but with hundred people registered on the voter register for that particular polling station, over voting has occurred and the entire results must be cancelled. This is how wicked Kwadwo Afari Gyan is, when he claimed not to understand “over voting” during his cross-examination at the Supreme Court
proceedings on Election 2012 petition.

Is there any wonder that Nana stops his campaign to help monitor this crook? If Afari Gyan is not checked right from today, he will once again hand over the winning results of Election 2016 to the NDC on a silver platter. As he did yesterday, so does he intend to do tomorrow? He wants to compound the suffering of Ghanaians while he lives in affluence with his colleague-NDC crooks.

What about his definition for “verification?” He announced on air, “NVNV” – If I say NVNV, I mean No Verification No Vote. By verification, I mean one has to be verified biometrically”. In the instances of “over voting” and voters failing to be recognised by the verification machine occurring, the results must be cancelled and the voter denied their right to vote. In the end, this charlatan, Kwadwo Afari Gyan, made up flimsy excuses in favour of John Mahama and the NDC. Do we allow him to fool us again? No way!

DJ Sources of Sources radio online, please get Hopeson on air to tell the whole world what he knows, or knows not, about the said publication.

Finally, I quote William Shakespeare, from his novel Julius Caesar, to downgrade whoever the coward is.

“Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,
It seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.”