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Opinions of Monday, 16 April 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Credibility of the Biometric Voters' Registration Marred by the NDC

As usual, the NDC have given vivid cause for discerning Ghanaians to doubt the credibility of the ongoing biometric voter's registration exercise. They have not only been physically restraining eligible electorates likely to vote rival parties other than the NDC to power come December 7, 2012 from registering but also, inflicting lethal injuries on them.

Some of the NDC parliamentary aspirants, particularly Nii Lantey Vanderpuiye, and past and present government Ministers and appointees, have miserably become obnoxious law unto themselves. With the advent of the biometric voter's registration, politically matured and civilized persons are witnessing the pronounced NDC's inherent brutish, uncouth and intimidating attitude in awe. They seek to rig election 7th December 2012 well in advance through the registration exercise. Their coercive illegal procedural methods of physical restraint of perceived enemy-registrants in full implementation at places like Odododiodoo Constituency do not augur well for democracy in Ghana. Such abhorrent methods have unduly given NDC winning edge over their rival contestants. By seeking to disenfranchise legitimate voters through abusive methods frowned upon by the authentic electoral processes and regulations but passively overlooked by the Electoral Commission, the NDC are on course to secure re-election by default.

I wonder why the Blackman has difficulty accepting the truth, going by fair processes and believing in the philosophy of " live and let me live" but not "live and let me die" or not "all for me and nothing for you" when it comes to doing African politics especially during national elections. The past and current NDC governments typify all persecutory associated with African style of political governance.

Anyway, I am today not going to dwell needlessly on discussing the ridiculous absurdities, intransigencies and the evil-intent attitude glaringly in machismo display by the NDC. However, I am going to offer discussable solutions to limit the insane fondness for power by the NDC.

To stop the NDC from pursuing illegal means to winning the impending elections, the Electoral Commission's impartiality, firmness and readiness to investigate any voter's registration-related issues and abuses cannot be underestimated. Compel the Electoral Commission through the Law courts to strictly uphold and defend the Constitutional methods of registering and voting in Ghana. So far, they have been weak to administer or apply the rules in place, thereby leaving the NDC thugs like Nii Lantey Vanderpuiye to do as they wish when they wish.

The opposition parties must unite to condemn NDC's involvement and orchestration of lawlessness in the wake of the biometric voter's registration. No, condemnation is not enough to instil electoral discipline in the NDC. They should take appropriate steps to ensure both the Electoral Commission and the security forces enforce the implementation and observance of electoral rules in place without fear or favour. They are to prosecute anyone they find flaunting the regulations regardless of the offender's political affiliation. The nonsense of the security forces staying aloof scratching their balls while NDC thugs break the electoral rules with impunity must cease. The NDC seem to have become too powerful and fearful for even the security forces to contend. They simply keep mute rather than rubbing nerves with the all-powerful NDC machinery for fear of losing their jobs by doing anything that will incur the wrath of the all-powerful NDC propaganda machinery.

I will call on all Ghanaian computer analysts worldwide to share light on the ongoing biometric voter's registration in Ghana. Seven thousand biometric machines are in use according to information reaching Ghanaians from the Electoral Commission via the media. Many people have raised many concerns. I had decided to write a paragraph about this but in order not to obscure the importance of my contributory view; I have rather decided to publish that separately as a full write-up.

The NDC thugs under instigation by some irresponsible power-drunk parliamentary aspirants to cause trouble must look before they leap. Such lawbreakers will soon find themselves standing in court weeping and pleading with hand in palm for mercy. It may be too late for them. There may not be that powerful but bogus NDC machinery anymore to set them free.

I warn those who desire to breach the public trust so vested in them just in pursuit of their parochial interests. Societal positions are like time that changes. I may not love to see them kowtowing, weeping, and pleading for mercy when their own evil acts do entrap them.

A word to the wise is enough.

Rockson Adofo