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Opinions of Thursday, 2 October 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Day of Reckoning is so Near!

There is time for everything. This is prophesied, and well stipulated or documented in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Yes, there is a time for a Council of chiefs to meet, to collusively strip a true royal family of their birth-right. There is another time for the weeping family to regain the usurped title. As there is a time for a chief to sneakily sell a vast tract of land that is not his to some Whites, so there is a time for him to be exposed in a broad daylight.

The day for Kumawuman citizens to know their paramount chief, who without honest inquiry into his family history by the Asanteman chiefs, nearly lost his Tweneboah Koduah relationship or pedigree, is near. On that fateful day, all the chiefs and their agents who condoned and connived to twist Kumawuman paramount history to suit their gratuitous egoistic greediness, risk exposure.

Men in their limited, but sinful wisdom, tried to make God the biggest liar contrary to the prophetic promises He had made to his Chosen one from the Ananangya royal family. It must be noted that the Ananangyas and the Odumases, but not the Ankaases, are lineally related to Barimah Tweneboah Koduah, the originator of the Kumawu Koduah Stool. However, the most dishonest chiefs who lack knowledge of the regulated Ashanti laws, customs and usage, defrauded the true royals of their birth-right in a broad daylight.

All this while, God Almighty was never in appreciation of their collusive efforts directed not only to rob the true royals of their birth-right, but also, to steal one million acres of Kumawuman Afram Plains stool land with a verbal agreement to dubiously avail themselves of Kumawuman coffers. As they were proposing to execute, and executing, their evil intentions and deeds, God was quick disposing of their evilness.

In their wisdom to bulldoze their devilish wishes through, they were ensnarled by their own actions, as evil as they were. The queen of Kumawu happily announced in public, before the Council of Asanteman chiefs and an audience of about one-thousand strong men and women, including media personnel that she had parted with huge sums of money to the Kumawu kingmakers.

Little did she know that inducing kingmakers with huge gifts, bribes or participating in acts of extortion while enthronement issue is pending can possibly contravene Ashanti law, custom and usage?

All that I know, having followed the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute until today, is that the dispute is about to be completely fairly resolved by a court of competent jurisdiction within a matter of days.

It is my prayer that smiles that have for the past several years been wiped off the faces of Kumawuman citizens are brought back in a matter of days.

For more information, stay tuned to Sources radio Online (UK) where I shall be hosting a programme on the Kumawu chieftaincy issue. I shall be narrating the history as I have researched, with references to my sources. Additionally, the oral aspect of it as told to me by the departed elders of Kumawu shall I recount.

Until the D-Day, I wish all Kumawuman citizens well. Keep on praying to God and the Good God who hears and answers prayers, will grant you your heart desire or your request. The voice of the people is the Voice of God. The countdown to enthroning a true paramount royal of Kumawuman starts now (Wednesday, 1st October 2014).

I dedicate this article written on Wednesday, 1st October 2014, to the entire citizens of Kumawuman. It is immaterial where they happen to be in this world. What matters most to me is that they are alive!

Rockson Adofo