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Opinions of Friday, 6 February 2009

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

The Death Of The NPP Is Nigh

When a couple of years ago, the NPP made it its clarion call, to wish death upon the NDC and refer to the party as a dead party, many were those in the NPP who enjoyed the contrived story of the demise of the NDC.

When the likes of grandpa J.H. Mensah were salivating at the thought of the total annihilation of the NDC, many were those who joined the old man to drool.

Indeed, in 2001, at the NPP’s congress at Legon, grandpa J.H. Mensah, then in his elements, said that by the time the NPP finished jailing NDC members, the party will be no more.

Those days, grandpa J.H. Mensah was orbiting in very dizzy realms of grandeur and delusion and so did not say to himself “Checki wu hu”.

Later on, when grandpa J.H. Mensah woke up to reality, he was able to say “Checki wu hu” to the wannabes in his party who didn’t check themselves and were dreaming of becoming President when they were not even fit to lead the narcotics peddlers party.

In those days, Kwaku Baako and his group never hesitated to state that the NDC was a dead party that will never resurrect let alone find feet to stand on.

Well, time has gone full circle, and whether Kwaku Baako’s hypothesis ended up being a thesis, is something that Ghanaians can see for themselves.

The NDC defied the doomsday sermons of the NPP and its media hirelings; dug its feet in, worked hard, presented a credible alternative governance plan, and Ghanaians did not hesitate to give the mandate to Professor John Evans Atta Mills and the NDC for them to roll out the Better Ghana agenda.

On the contrary, the NPP, which thought that it could continue to survive on the fake oxygen of vile propaganda, continue to abuse and rape the mandate of the people, and entrench itself in power, is on the verge of death.

The volcanic eruption that is taking place within the NPP is not a matter that can be swept under the carpet.

The BOOM!!!! sound is reverberating strongly within the NPP and it is no joke.

In the immediate aftermath of the lethal blow that was dealt to the NPP by the electorate, Akufo-Addo and his mob of badly bruised kangaroos, were all over the place claiming to be holding thanksgiving rallies.

It seems they did not exhaust all the cocaine and kickback monies during the campaign and so Akufo-Addo went around showering money on his bruised supporters hoping to buy their conscience to keep him as the Leader of the narcotics peddlers party.

Of course, the cloths, paraphernalia, expensive champagne and other items that were imported for Akufo-Addo’s coronation as King of Ghana, had to be distributed one way or the other and so Akufo-Addo had to be kangarooing around and distributing the items.

Unfortunately for Akufo-Addo, he learnt no lessons from how the hired crowds led to his defeat, and so kept hiring crowds to create the impression that the NPP was not hurting from the defeat.

The thanksgiving “hanya” has come to an end and it is quite clear that there are deep wounds within the NPP.

It is ipso facto that Akufo-Addo is not going to be given a blank cheque in terms of leading the NPP into the 2012 election.

If Akufo-Addo thought that his “hanya” thanksgiving tactics was going to allow him to be leader of the NPP by default, it must be clear to him by now that he will not have his way.

Many groups within the NPP, who hate Akufo-Addo and his Akyem cabal, are not hiding the fact that they don’t want Akufo-Addo to lead the party into another electoral defeat. Allan Kyeremanteng, Isaac Osei and the Ashanti group are not prepared to allow Akufo-Addo to have his way.

Indeed, it is not a secret that in spite of the fact that Ashanti Region was used to steal lots of votes for the NPP, Allan Cash, Kufuor and co were not part of that rigging plan except that they could not flaunt their dislike for Akufo-Addo in the open.

Whiles Akufo-Addo is battling the groups that don’t want him, Dr. Arthur “single one” Kennedy, an Akufo-Addo hireling, has fired salvos in the direction of John Agyekum “50 Cents” Kufuor.

Arthur Kennedy, who a few weeks ago, was all over the place defending Kufuor, seems to have injected himself out of his blind support for Kufuor, and his now on top of the mountains shouting to the hearing of even the deaf, that Kufuor is the cause of Akufo-Addo’s woes.

Arthur Kennedy is not referring to Kufuor as a fool but his statements make it very clear that Arthur Kennedy and the Akufo-Addo gang believe that Kufuor’s foolish decisions led to Akufo-Addo’s defeat.

Of course, Arthur Kennedy and the Akyem cabal are quick to turn a blind eye to the plethora of cocaine and wee cases that are hanging around the neck of Akufo-Addo and how his refusal to respond to the strong allegations worked against him.

Those on the side of Kufuor are also accusing the Akyem cabal of causing the defeat of the NPP with their haughty and arrogant posturing.

K.T. Hammond, an integral part of the Ashanti mafia, has fired back at Arthur “single one” Kennedy leaving the medical doctor in tatters.

Indeed, in the print and electronic media, salvos have been fired and are being fired from all directions within the NPP.

Some of the salvos are so poisonous that Caesar will always prefer the treachery of Brutus.

The NPP wished death upon the NDC but the Almighty will not have it so and the NPP is now having a taste of what it wished upon the NDC.

For me uncle JB, even though I believe in multiparty democracy and will not wish death upon any political party, I will not shed a single tear if the volcanic eruption that is taking place within the NPP, ends up blowing the evil-minded NPP out of extinction.

The NPP is near the point of death and from the look of things, it will take divine intervention to save the party from ending up in the grave.