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Opinions of Thursday, 8 April 2010

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

The Diagnosis and Prognosis of our Republic


Democracy when understood coupled with systems and structures born out of independence makes the light of a nation burn bright, and the fuel of that light is the constitution which ultimately becomes the lynch pin of every democracy. The framers and the historicity of the constitution becomes the determining factor to a real democracy. But as I look through the prism of what constitutes a real democracy which seems utopian to Ghanaians, I shiver with trepidations. Not to mince words our democracy began on a wrong note. The PNDC presiding over the drafting of the constitution was an unpardonable sin committed by the framers and today we are seeing the effects as the result of the vituperate presence of Rawlings who continues to make a mockery of our Republic

Someone who overthrew an elected government, illegally suspended the 1979 constitution, ruled as a dictator for 19 yrs, took the lives of innocent citizens and took the nation hostage would at least shut the hell up for this version of democracy to find it's footing, but no, not this cross breed. sometimes I wonder how we got here. If you expose the evil deeds of this mental midget, his devotees of whom the vast majority are themselves convicted murderers of the Queens English will rain insults at you without daring to counter the argument. Our parliamentarians continues to prove their incompetence, and it's quiet evident they use their status as a means to an end and not having the nation at heart. Since the inception of this Republic can anyone reference an act of parliament enacted and etched in stone? Never will you here the phrase "parliament passes a bill and the president signs it" in a political lingo. The judiciary is equally guilty and would not get a pass from yours truly either.

Instead of acting independent of the executive as the constitution mandates, they behave as cabinet members rubber stamping every decision favoring the sitting president. And that lends the question; Are they not legal luminaries?. The attorney general doesn't even know the bounds of her jurisdiction. Nana Darkwa's arrest is case in point. And what about the tit for tat in our politics. NPP comes to power puts some NDC'S in jail, NDC comes to power seeking to do likewise irrespective of a myopic view of evidence. And this is done at the precious expense of the impoverished Ghanaian. As I pen this article with tongue in cheek it pains me no end to see the non- existence of a viable health care system. We have a discombobulated health care system as the result of the actions and incompetence of our inept politicians, and Ghanaians are dying unnecessarily. Today Ghanaian Doctors in the state of New York alone out number Ghanaian Doctors in Ghana whiles our leaders argues over ex gratia awards and loans for parliamentarians. And what can I say about our two leading parties, the NDC and the NPP. Oh ! How I wish we had a viable and formidable third party. These two parties are at the core of the Ga Mantse stool dispute, and for Gas to let this eyesore happen, stinks to the high heavens.

To be the flag bearer of the NDC, you need to have the sole blessing of Junior Jesus, and to be the flag bearer of the NPP you have to bribe you way through. Ghanaians don't even vote on issues, they vote on tribal lines, personality cults and identity politics Oh ! I nearly forgot about Kwesi Pratt. This loquacious Pratt who happens to single handedly Raise Cain about pressing issues and was the embodiment of freedom of speech and government of the people in a democratic dispensation sold his rights to the Mills administration for a joy flight to south Africa and some shekels of dollars. Now the question is who will be the mouthpiece of the mouth less Ghanaian. Folks I don't want this article to be the words of a prophet of doom, but a fastidious look at the state of affairs makes it all the more evident that our democracy is in crises. This version of democracy is a time bomb waiting to explode should this propensity continue. Let's render the current constitution useless, draft a new one and that will be the beginning of righting the wrongs of this Republic, because a constitution drafted on the lap of the PNDC under Rawlings the menace is as counterfeit as a three dollar bill.