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Opinions of Thursday, 11 February 2010

Columnist: Tawiah, Francis

The Effect Of Fuel And Toll Price Increment On Commercial Drivers

Most of the drivers are totally disappointed and dishearten in the government because of the fuel price and the recent toll increment. The drivers who asserted the fuel price increment was too high who must pay higher toll are calling again on the government to review the prices.

As a result of the increments of both fuel and toll prices most drivers have reported very bad turnover made daily and this has led to some drivers bolten away from the industry. According to most drivers, ever since the fuel price was increased, they have never recorded reasonable sales and now the government is again increasing toll by 150%.

The highly affected drivers are imploring the NDC government to honour its promises. Drivers are remonstrating about recording poor sales while prices of sapre parts, services and goods are also escalating which they think will not accelerate the growth of the economy, They are therefore pleading with the government to be quick in fulfilling its promises.

Most of the commecial drivers are saying the poor turnover records have adversely affected their entire standard of living: While the transport owners are unhappy with the sales their drivers make daily. Most of them claim, the government has not been fair in delivering its promises of reducing the fuel price drastically and they are also not seeing any omen of " A BETTER GHANA".

The transport owners as well as the drivers are entreating the government to efficiently make use of the country's resources to expedite the economic growth of the country.

source : FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg - Germany)