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Opinions of Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

The Electoral Commissioner is growing horns!

Opinion Opinion

The Head of Ghana’s Electoral Commission, Mrs Charlotte Osei, never ceases to shock many a discerning Ghanaian with her undoubtedly established obstinacy.

She claims to be neutral, with her outfit (the Electoral Commission) playing neutrality in conformity to the 1992 Ghana Constitution; she is actually not.

She is overwhelmingly a partisan individual like most of the workers and Commissioners at the Electoral Commission. She is exceedingly political, tilting lopsidedly towards the NDC.

From empirical observations as deduced from her actions and pronouncements, Charlotte Osei is very partial in the exercise of her role as the Chair of the Electoral Commission.

Subsequently, and in my opinion, she is a complete misfit by her lack of morality, honesty, and credibility to organise any fair and credible general elections in Ghana.

She is always siding with the NDC in the formulation of electoral guidelines, polices and procedures for the impending 2016 elections. This leaves one to conclude that she is working for NDC but not for Ghana and Ghanaians as a whole hence my accusation of partisanship levelled against her. She cannot deny this gospel truth.

One wonders why the NDC are quick to come to her defence, always being 100% supportive of all the irresponsible policies she has so far come up with, all aimed at covertly assisting the NDC to win on silver platter Election 2016 scheduled for November 2016.

When majority of Ghanaians in their common sense and expertise called for the establishment of a completely new voter register devoid of the irregularities associated with the current voter register, the NDC vociferously viciously objected to it in line with the view stringently held by Mrs Charlotte Osei.

Again, with the so-called limited voter registration held recently, most of the students in the tertiary institutions could not get the chance to register.

Their schools were not only denied registrations centres to facility access to registration but also, the students were in the middle of taking their final exams, especially the University students. Both situations compounded the headache of the students getting registered to vote at election 2016.

When these problems were raised, with the subsequent calling for extension of date for the limited registration exercise, the NDC quickly came out objecting to any such idea. Charlotte Osei also came out saying she will not extend it, her firm, but outrageous decision being in congruous with the earlier declared stance by the NDC. Why is she behaving that awkwardly?

It must be pointed out to her that she was not appointed by President Mahama to serve only the interests of the NDC but that of the entire nation. She has goofed big time if the secret agreement between her and President Mahama was to come and do his bidding. She will soon realise, if not regret, the mistake she has been making with intent to helping the NDC hang on to power although they have ruined the nation.

Figuratively, Charlotte has grown horns by the supposition of, or interpretation of, her obstinacy, to do as she wants when she wants regardless of the contrary expectations of her by the majority of Ghanaians.

Let me take this opportunity to warn her that there is time for everything as stated in the bible – Ecclesiastics 3:1-8. Now, she thinks to have unlimited powers because she is backed fully by President Mahama and the ruling party.

There is surely coming a day that she will be given the heave-ho if indeed, there is time for everything which I believe there is.

Charlotte will be living in cloud cuckoo land if she thinks there will not be repercussions for the contentious decisions she is collusively making with NDC aimed at facilitating NDC’s chance to win election 2016 against the wishes of the suffering Ghanaian masses.

Let it be known to her that God says, there is a Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,

a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace

The horns she has grown that make her feel excessively proud and powerful to behave that much authoritatively irresponsibly will fall off, rendering her weak if the just quoted bible verses are anything to go by. That is certain! Whatever she does, President Mahama and NDC will be voted out of power come November 2016. She can eat “pusa kenten ma”, who cares!

Rockson Adofo