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Opinions of Sunday, 15 June 2014

Columnist: Krow, Ohenenana Obonti

The Fake Stan Dogbe Story

And The Motives Behind The False Publication

Last week there was this news making rounds in section of the media that Stan Xoese Dogbe has been sacked by the chief of staff Mr Prosper Binney. Some media houses, without cross-checking to verify the authenticity of the news decided taking positions and fed the public with falsehoods based on their own perception of the young man. I remember sending a text message to one presenter in the middle of his presentation, advising him to stay off the orchestrated propaganda going on to save his image and reputation. The journalist called me some few minutes ago thanking me for stepping in at that particular moment, this was after he has seen the flagstaff house response on my wall.

You see, eight months ago, I wrote an article on an orchestrated move by some elements in the NPP and some journalists working in close collaboration with some persons who claim to be NDC sympathizers, to unleash certain unpleasant hang-ups on the government and certain individuals they see as obstacles in their way. The meeting was first held at Tafo in the Eastern Region and subsequent one at Kitase near Aburi. The move to organize demonstrations to destabilize the system was discussed, also, these journalists were to create Punic in the system with news of coup and all that.
They perpetuated this agenda but matured as Ghanaians have become politically, they didn't buy into their mischief.

The last agenda which was discussed on a Whatsapp platform made up of some NPP bias journalists and some executives and starlwarts of the NPP. The plan this time was to make Ben Ben Dotsei Malor feel very uncomfortable at his current position or, use his appointment to create tension within the communication outfit at the Presidency. Knowing how effective and resolute the chief of staff is, they decided linking him to this fakely designed feud and also link him to some deals which he has no idea of.

In the nutshell, discussions which went on,on the platform were targeted at creating deep disaffection between the chief of staff, Ben and Stan Dogbe with their main expected end product being getting Stan Dogbe out.

Infact, they collaborated with some media houses to start publishing false materials about Stan to facilitate their agenda but some persons monitoring their activities exposed their deals. Some journalists who think must be treated with exception by the Presidency have joined the crusade and the irony is that,these are journalists who lived within the comfort zone during Mill's time but reciprocated all that the oldman did for them by sending doctored pictures of him to the opposition and also engaged themselves in all kinds of horrible things.I remember at a point some of these journalists in collaboration with some npp elements used some security details of Mills to attempt bringing some prostitutes inside the castle into the Presidents chambers, take pictures with of these prostitutes and the President to be sent out to demean that enviable status Prof Mills. The security operatives got hint of this wicked moves and that was the end. Some of these charlatans are at it again and wouldn't spare any person around the President who act as bulwark for the President.

We have a solid chief of staff who wouldn't entertain the political mediocrity going on working closely with a solid team and I can promise these miscreants that never will their mischiefs materialize, the President is fully protected and safe.

Stan Dogbe was in the United States as leader of the government's three man delegation to the state department for a pre-advance meeting ahead of a planned meeting between Obama and some African leaders in August. From there, they proceeded to Brazi as advance team to prepare the grounds for the Vice President who is supposed to be with the blackstars soon. His is back and fully operative inside the Presidency.
Source: Ohenenana Obonti Krow/Spy News Agency