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Opinions of Friday, 16 November 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Ghana Media are not Giving NPP enough campaign Coverage

Reliable information available to me indicates that the Ghana media as a whole are not giving the NPP sufficient media coverage. The NDC is covered even if they fart in public. Does it presuppose that the NPP are not buying enough airtime, or the media, do support the cause of the NDC? Could it not be that the NDC are either buying them over or they are able to use the gargantuan corruption money they have at their disposable to purchase more than enough airtime?

I will strongly advise all the supporters of Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP to contribute financially for the NPP to pay for enough media coverage for not only Nana Akuffo-Addo but also, their parliamentary candidates. Election 2012 is NPP’s to win by the favourable design of God but we need to work harder. The NDC are using the benefits of incumbency to hope to win the elections even as incompetent, corrupt and visionless as they appear. The good people of Ghana can scupper their hopes if and only if, we will allow our good conscience and the dire socio-economic calamity staring us in the face be our guiding principles.

I will plead with the media to consider the collective interest of Ghanaians, placing it above their parochial interest even though they are commercial ventures. They know very well how the majority of Ghanaians are suffering under the administration of the Mills/Mahama cum Mahama/Amissah Arthur NDC. I hope the media are not behaving like the few rich or fortunate ones who always hope for, and thrive well, in a situation where the economy of a country worsens for many. I hope they do not see it as a situation of, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” where the rich and well placed get richer and the poor get poorer. They should not allow the suffering of Ghanaians under the NDC open an avenue for them to get richer and richer. The NDC, I have learnt, are buying cars for some of the media men and women. The NDC are only good on corruption but not on delivery, the engine of economic growth and alleviation of people’s problem.

All the good people of Ghana who aspire for the collective well-being and interest of Ghanaians should please vote for Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP. We should not allow the NDC another four year term in office. They are far too corrupt for Ghana to support. They only lie to Ghanaians about their achievements.

Let the dubious judgment debts they have paid out to people with whom they may have signed a secret pact be enough grounds to vote the NDC government and party out of power. Do not entertain their tearful plea on the death of President Mills designed to bias you, the voters. There should not be any cause for sympathy vote. President Mills is dead and gone so why should you be that ignorant to accord the NDC a sympathy vote because of President Mills. Do you want to vote wrongly today and suffer its attendant disastrous repercussions for many more years in your life? Be sensible. Do not allow the NDC propaganda machine to work on your emotions. Think straight and think logical.

Please, Ghana media houses, give the NPP parliamentary aspirants the needed media coverage. Think about better Ghana for all under the NPP. From your heart of hearts, you know very well how the NDC have plunged, and continue to plunge Ghana into the abyss of economic mess.

May God touch the hearts of the Ghana media to help publicise the good message from the NPP camp. Help us to reach out to the voters. Amen.

Rockson Adofo