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Opinions of Saturday, 2 April 2022

Columnist: Joel Savage

The Ghana Police must stop killing defenseless citizens

The police are being reminded to protect civilians The police are being reminded to protect civilians

The killing of innocent defenseless civilians has increased rapidly under the NPP government and the situation is getting worse, which indicates that the authorities are not protecting the people.

On December 7, 2020, to elect a President and Members of Parliament, even though the process went normal, according to reports, violence erupted and five people were shot to death by the Police, while many sustained gunshot wounds.

Since the shooting of innocent citizens in Ghana by the Police hasn't been criminalized, many police officers in the country are breaking the law with impunity.

Why should the police shoot and kill people without guns? Under pressure, the police can quickly make decisions to shoot but this should be a warning as we know most of the killings recorded were aimed at unarmed people.

If the police are equipped with guns doesn’t mean they have to shoot and kill innocent people or open fire on defenseless demonstrators.

This is exactly what happened in Ejura when a group of people was protesting against the killing of social media activist, Ibrahim Mohammed, alias Kaka.

Each year, in the United States of America, the Police kill hundreds of defenseless people, especially, African-Americans, and many African leaders aren’t happy about that, yet in Ghana, the police do the same to their citizens.

Another incident involving the indiscriminate shootings of innocent Ghanaians by the Police appeared in ModernGhana news.

According to MG, a 33-year-old man was shot and killed by security personnel at Nkroful, during an attempt to disperse an agitated crowd. How long can such crimes be going on in Ghana with impunity?

The Police are to protect the citizens, not to kill them, more importantly, they are not above the law, therefore, any police officer who shoots a defenseless civilian should be arrested to face the law.

If they want to shoot, they must turn their attention to the armed robbers terrorizing Ghanaians, not the innocent civilians demonstrating against the government’s corruption or injustice.