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Opinions of Monday, 27 August 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Gold Coaster - Nana "Obuggie" Akuffo-Addo

- is far better than...

When it comes to political expediency, the Gold Coaster, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo, whom I prefer to call "Obuggie" is ten times better than that self-styled youthful Ghana-born Dramani Mahama. This so-called young President Dramani Mahama has insulted the intelligence of all those Ghanaians born under the British colonial rule of the then Gold Coast. I am one of those.

His appeal to Ghanaian youth to rally behind him for his re-election because he was born after Ghana's independence, and hence young and energetic, is balderdash. Ghanaians require somebody with political clout; one who is honest, dynamic and farsighted to serve them as President but not a clueless, corrupt and myopic youth with "can't do attitude". Nana Akuffo-Addo has aimed higher, come out with resounding popular polices to extricate Ghanaians from the shackles of socio-economic slavery and here we are, having the most clueless NDC singing in unison, "he can't do it". How pathetic they are!

How intelligent and right is President John Dramani Mahama, priding himself in his youthful exuberance? His dismal record of accomplishment as Vice President under the late President Mills is clear to all discerning Ghanaians. Although young as he claims, he has been supervising, or to be more precise, presiding over complete socio-politico-economic canker in Ghana. Corruption under his Mills/Mahama administration was so gargantuan and unprecedented that they could not work with the only honest person in that administration (former Hon. Attorney General Martin Amidu).

NDC are shamelessly fond of pulling wool over people's eyes. The only thing they are best at, and execute with perfection or precision, are arranging to connive with dubious persons and companies to dupe Ghana through judgment debt payments. What else are the NDC capable of doing to better the collective living standards of Ghanaians? They are selfish, insatiably greedy and very individualistic in pursuance of ill-gotten wealth.

I invite all Ghanaians to shun the NDC. They are without foresight. They lack objectives let alone having implementable policies able to boost the economic advancement of Ghana. Let every Ghanaian aspire to benefit from the good policies Nana Akuffo-Addo has in store for us. He plans to share the national cake fairly. Your children, siblings and you, will benefit from free education up to the Senior Secondary School level. There are many other good things he will use the country's wealth for in the collective interest of all. He will not be like the late President Mills and the current President Mahama who only put money in the pockets of some NDC crooks (their rented phone-in serial callers, roguish Deputy Ministers, and those human butterflies (e.g. Kwesi Pratt) jumping from one radio studio to another defending the aimlessness in total exhibition by the NDC).

Let us all come together to drink from Nana "Obuggie" Akuffo-Addo's overflowing fountain of wisdom and hope. I would choose an old sensible man who has the experience and determination to go about his duties over a young man whose absurd ideas, actions and inactions are destined to plunge Ghana further into an abysmal hole. This desire as stated will take place any day or time I am offered the choice.

Age is only a number. The intelligence, dynamism and dedication to duty with the determination backed by action to succeed, coupled with vision, are what Ghanaians are looking for in their future leaders but not roguish propagandists.

I will come back with more convincing write-ups. Mind you, I will soon come out with T-Shirts on my intended VENUS (Volunteers Ensuring Nana's Ultimate Success) movement aimed at clinching Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo-Addo the presidency of Ghana at the December 7, 2012 elections. Make it a date to join Rockson at the launching of the Movement in Ghana soon.

I invite all right-thinking Ghanaians to vote massively for the NPP and especially, for Nana "Obuggie" Akuffo-Addo. He is my man. He is your man. He is the one to lead Ghana from the NDC slavery, thievery, lawlessness and madness onto the promised land where peace, respect for human rights, fairness, better standard of living, honesty of leadership and love for one another without political segregation of citizens abound.

Rockson Adofo