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Opinions of Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Heat is on Mahama & Afari-Gyan to provide.....

The Heat is on President Mahama & Dr. Afari-Gyan to provide.....

Rumours are rife in London that President Mahama and Tsatsu Tsikata have met a former employee of British Home Office. This said man is a renowned database analyst with offices and employees in seventy countries, running database consultancy. The same rumours have it that they met in a posh London restaurant, perched in a corner and discussed deals. They talked about how best to obtain names and addresses of Ghanaians resident abroad.

As there is always the slightest truth in every rumour, I have chosen to bring this latest attempt by President Mahama to hold himself out as the legitimately elected President of Ghana to the notice of Ghanaians worldwide. Oman Fm radio discussed in passing same news on Monday, 11 February 2013 at about 07:30 hours.

President Mahama should note this Akan proverb, "Obofo3 bebrE 3twen nso bebrE". It literally translates as; both the hunter and the antelope have each an onerous task to perform. While the hunter cautiously tries to hunt down the antelope (game), the antelope on the other hand tries to evade death at the hands of the hunter as much quickly and tactfully as it can. Both are then in the game of hide and seek where the much wiser one wins.

The Supreme Court has ordered President Mahama and the Electoral Commissioner, Dr Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, to provide Nana Akuffo-Addo and Co. with some information. They have tasked them to justify the registration of 241,000 Ghanaians who allegedly voted in election 2012. They are to provide their names, residential and work addresses, job descriptions, their passport numbers, foreign missions and assignments they are in, in which countries they are and how many of them are students on government scholarships etc., within two weeks.

My readers will recall that I published an article on Ghanaweb on Saturday, 6 October 2012 titled, "Dr. Afari-Gyan begins a Secret Voter's Registration Exercise (of some Ghanaians) abroad" I do not want to go into the details of the questions raised, my concerns and fears at that time. You should go and read the entirety of the article to appreciate the one you are reading today.

The evil that men do leaves after them. Now, President Mahama and Afari-Gyan are sweating, dubiously arranging to get some names and addresses to justify that huge number of said people rregistered abroad under very doubtful circumstances. They all voted by proxy voting that should not have been the case. They should have voted by going through biometric verification if indeed they were all genuine as Afari-Gyan alleges. He thinks he is smart but he is not!

I am sounding words of warning to Dr. Afari-Gyan and President Mahama. They should not try to purchase weed (wee) with counterfeit currency ("ode counterfeit ak3to wee"). If they do, they will suffer double jeopardy. It is a crime to try to pervert the course of justice. Any names they compile to present to Nana Akuffo-Addo and Co. as instructed by the Supreme Court should be exactly as those that registered and mysteriously voted for who only God knows. Any names their rumoured consultant helps them to compile remotely will amount to seeking to pervert the course of justice.

The Consultant whose name Oman Fm radio mentioned can be held accountable by the laws of Britain and probably other civilized countries where he operates. He had better be careful not to fall foul of the laws. We can check the restaurant where they held the meeting and its immediate vicinity for CCTV coverage to make sure the camera captured them, and their movements. I know and understand the data protection act with regard to Close Circuit Television (CCTV).

The names, home and work addresses, schools, missions and countries of the registrants will be easily verified. They should note that Colleges and Universities would not lie, especially in the UK, to provide them the false alibi they are now desperately seeking.

Discerning Ghanaians should please report all information pertaining to the nefarious mission of Tsatsu Tsikata and President Mahama to London, to the Ghanaian Fm radio stations in London. We shall follow up and through any tip off that comes to the attention of the radio stations.

I appeal for information from all Ghanaians worldwide when they hear or see President Mahama and Afari-Gyan with their agents come arranging dubiously for information on Ghanaian residents abroad.

The NDC keep saying the Electoral Commissioner did not rig the election in favour of John Dramani Mahama. If he did not, why is he in hot waters then? Why are President Mahama, Tsatsu Tsikata and Kwadwo Afari-Gyan sweating profusely, unable to have sound sleep at night? Until they have successfully prepared the list of Ghanaian voter registrants abroad, submitted it to Nana Akuffo-Addo & Co. they will never know rest. They have not seen anything yet.

I am sure the Supreme Court judges are reading and watching though, they cannot pass any comments. Keep an eye on all those you do not fully trust. Watch out for snitches (spies).
