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Opinions of Friday, 28 September 2012

Columnist: Moadow, Samuel Amadu Wuni

The Incorruptibility Of Prez Mahama Is ...

.... The Opposite Under Nana Addo’s Watch As A Cabinet Minister.

The recent press statement by the NPP concerning President Mahama being corrupt is just to paint a picture and make Ghanaians change their good intention for President Mahama.

It was clear to see the lions relaxed under trees and allowed the wolves, hyenas and leopards to devour the rest of the animals in the forest without the lion even making an attempt to frighten off the wolves, hyenas and leopards. Let us consider Nana Addo as a cabinet minister representing the lion and other ministers as well as other appointees representing the wolves, hyenas and leopards and the rest of the animals representing the entire Ghanaian populace who have been looted to about US$11.5 billion. The following are some corrupt practices under Nana Addo’s watch as cabinet minister of which I consider as just a tip of the iceberg.

In our quest to celebrate Ghana@50 independence from colonial rule, individuals saw it as an opportunity to enrich themselves and their families. Mr. Mpiani and his brother-in-law Dr Wereko Brobbey CEO of Ghana@50 blew over US$87 million on it. Apart from that, Wereko Brobbey single handedly brought VRA to a stand still as the CEO of the collapsing VRA and stated that, it would better serve their property looting democracy, buying luxury sports utility vehicles and other comfort range cars than fixing the collapsing energy grid. The whole idea of Ghana@50 was to create a platform to embezzle state funds.

The initial cost of the presidential villa project according to Mr Mpiani was US$36.9 million. It will interest us to know that, as at January,2010 the project has not been completed but expenses had exceeded US$ 85million which was borrowed from the Indians to build the Presidential palace and left Ghana in a useless debt.

Vodafone faced a fight over one of its prime acquisition after an official review challenged the legality of its $900 million purchase of a leading local telecoms group. The review committee claimed that Government had only received $267 million from the sale due to complicated financial arrangements and warned that the deal might be unconstitutional because it was conducted through a Netherland based holding company. The retiring President Kuffour was to receive a huge sum of US$ 4OO,000 forgetting that, Ghana relies on donor support for more than half of its budget. This amount wasn’t a constitutional demand but an ex-gratia, a Latin word defined by the Oxford Learning Dictionary as a gift or favor not because there is legal duty to do it .This I term as greed to the upper echelon. President kuffour’s son, John Addo kuffour bought a 7-storey multi-million dollar Hotel situated adjacent President Kuffour‘s private residence. Ghanaians are convinced that the Hotel was bought by President Kuffour but rather used his son as a front man.

President kuffour authorized the purchase of 40 Rover cars for his Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Special Assistants at a total cost of US$ 1.4million through one Mr Agyemang a nephew of Mr Kwadwo Mpiani, Chief of Staff and Minister of Presidential Affairs from the Rover company of UK which was in bankrupt and has been taken over by Chinese investors.

It was revealed that, President Kuffour’s nephew-in-law Mr. D.K. Osei who was also the secretary to the President was paid 45million cedis(US$4,500) per month under a consultancy contract entered into between Mr. Osei and the National Institute of Renewable Project(NRIP).

The 61billion cedis Hostel scandal of UDS is another corrupt issue. Forty-two (42) cheques were drawn from students fees. This was later realize as an arrangement involving one Mr Gyimah.

If Nana Addo is telling Ghanaians he is against corruption, then he should have come out to condemn such acts rather than been silence,knowing well that silence means concern.I think the NPP should not be taken seriously when issues of corruption are mentioned against a noble man such as President Mahama.

Considering the few revelations of corrupt practices under the NPP administration one could deduce that the NPP accusation of John Mahama as been corrupt is rather the opposite.I know Ghanaians are wise and will make a wise decision come 7th Dec.

Samuel Amadu Wuni Moadow [email protected] Walewale/Gbimsi