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Opinions of Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Kumawu Palace Museum Without the “Abamo” is…..

Like Africa without Madagascar. When I was scouring the YouTube for the latest postings, I chanced on a very exciting video clip titled, "Kumawu Palace Museum Opening". I am extremely happy that through the relentless efforts, selflessness, and dedication to the cause of uplifting Kumawuman from her years of neglect and near-total dilapidation, an august son of Kumawu, who doubles as an alumnus of then Kumawu Tweneboah Koduah Secondary School, Professor Yaw Nyarko at New York University, is making impressive strides in putting Kumawuman on the national and international tourism radar.

He has worked tirelessly around the clock to have a palace museum open in Kumawu according as viewed in the video. I shall at this juncture say, thank you, to him.

However, as a museum is understood to be "a building where objects of historical, scientific, or artistic interest are kept" and without those artefacts the building loses its significance, how do we resource the building for it to become a worthwhile museum? This question is asked upon the knowledge that most of the historical objects have disappeared or been stolen from the palace.

The museum will not be complete if it is without our precious and much-talked about "Abamo" (doll) that is alleged to possess the potential to heal infertility in women. It will be comparable to the map of Africa drawn without its major island, Madagascar.

Did we not use to joke about the fact that the map of Africa drawn without Madagascar is no Africa when we were in the elementary school many decades ago? Subsequently, I shall plead for the "Abamo's" return to Kumawu from wherever Kumawuhemaa Nana Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah has taken it, hidden it or sold it.

Kumawuman people and the museum cannot afford to lose the "Abamo" which alone with its rich legendary history attached could bring many national and international tourists to Kumawu thereby lifting Kumawu from her current economic doldrums.

Much as individuals may want to provide the museum with historical objects, it will be better if it could be started with the palace's own ancient objects that have rich history attached to them. Where then is the "Abamo"; that war booty seized from the enemies during the Ataale Finam war many centuries ago?

The opening of the museum alone is calling Kumawuhemaa to account. Where is the "Abamo"!!!!! This is just the tip of the iceberg. The actual day of reckoning is coming soon.

More power to your elbow, Professor Yaw Nyarko. I hope other people will follow your exemplary initiative to resuscitate Kumawuman, especially Kumawu, from her virtual infrastructural or essential development comatose.

Rockson Adofo

(Written on Tuesday, 29 December, 2015)