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Opinions of Sunday, 31 July 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Kumawu chieftaincy dispute is far from over

Anyone who believes that the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute is over is only living in the fool’s paradise. The Kumawu chieftaincy dispute is not over until it is over.

Again, it is the figment of anyone’s warped imagination to conclude that it is only two people in Kumawu who are dragging the case other than that, everyone has accepted Dr Yaw Sarfo (Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua) as the legitimate Kumawuhene.

I am aware of how Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has been frequenting some judges, highly placed persons in Ghana including his best buddy, President Mahama, lying to them that Kumawu is at peace and that everyone has accepted Dr Yaw Sarfo, the man he has collusively imposed on Kumawuman as Kumawuhene. I wonder how he thinks he can continue to twist the arms of Kumawuman subjects to accept his frivolous machinations in this day and age where many people have attained formal education, travelled far and wide, and acquired both experience and wisdom that come with confidence and boldness.

Dr Yaw Sarfo, otherwise called Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua, by his handful of supporters who ignorantly lend credence to the evil in perpetuation by Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah is never seen by about 95% of Kumawuman citizens or subjects both resident home and abroad as their paramount chief. He is not, and can never be, Kumawuhene, considering the circumstances surrounding his alleged enstoolment.

Firstly, Asantehene has no right to select for Kumawuman who should become their Omanhene let alone, impose someone on us. Secondly, prevailing Kumawu tradition and custom does not permit the choosing of a candidate for the Kumawu Kodua stool in public before Asanteman Council at Manhyia Palace let alone, forcing one on us by a conniving and condoning Council of seemingly irresponsible chiefs. Thirdly, it is forbidden for bribery and acts of corruption to take place before, during and after selecting a candidate to become Kumawuhene-elect.

However, all the stated three points above were seen to have been glaringly in full operation in addition to the personal credibility of Dr Yaw Sarfo being questioned by his own uncle, Mr Osei Kwabena. Therefore, the alleged Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua in a million years to come cannot be Kumawuhene as far as I am concerned. See the underlying YouTube video link for confirmation of facts.

Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the “Overlord” of Asanteman can cry wolf until he loses his voice, he can go on kneeling before judges pleading with them to decide the cases in his favour because he is the occupant of the Golden Stool and the best friend of President Mahama, he can go to President Mahama, the shoulder he cries on to weep the tears of blood, he will be resisted and stopped in his malicious tracks.

We, the discerning subjects of Kumawuman, will not sit down with arms folded around the chest, look on with mouths agape like a fool dribbling at the mouth while Asantehene colludes with some dubious Asanteman chiefs including the less intelligent Kumawuhemaa and the alleged puppet Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua to rob and rape Kumawuman in broad daylight.

It really gets to me to see a former fellow Londoner seeking untiringly to cheat the people of my place of birth. Should I sit down unconcerned while he dubiously avails himself of certain opportunities made available by his girlfriend to cheat Kumawuman because of his assumed status in Asanteman and in Ghana? No way! That will be irresponsible on my part.

I will reiterate to him that “respect is earned but not commanded”. He can earn my respect by doing the right things but not dodgy things that he is always found indulged in.

I am again aware of certain actions purported to be coming from the office of the Chief Justice to stifle the successful prosecution of the Kumawu chieftaincy case. It is just too curious to see the Chief Justice take such an action that flies in the face of common sense let alone, the laws of the land.

Readers are reminded of Dr Yaw Sarfo destooling Kumawu Akwamuhene, Kumawu Aduanahene, Kumawu Akyempemhene and Kumawu Nsumankwaahene as soon as he had allegedly assumed the reins of Kumawuhene. He said to have done that on the orders of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.
This case was taken to court and he was found guilty by the Mampong regional High Court. The alleged deposed sub-chiefs were subsequently re-instated to their former positions.

When they returned to the Court a few weeks later for written directions and confirmation of judgment in their favour, the court refused, showing them a letter that had come from the Chief Justice, Mrs Theodora Georgina Wood, directing that the case be transferred to Kumasi High Court with a mentioned judge assigned to deal with the case.

I have held some discussions with my friends who are lawyers here in London and they find that very silly of the Chief Justice if indeed she ordered the registrar, Alexander Opoku Acheampong, to write that letter. According to them, the defendant, Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua, could lodge an appeal in an Appellate Court if he was not happy with the verdict rather than the Chief Justice intervening in a questionable manner.

Again, when a writ of mandamus was served on the registrar of the National House of Chiefs, Kumasi, to produce a true form copy of the forms filled out by Dr Yaw Sarfo subsequent upon which he was accepted and gazetted as Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua, same incident as discussed above happened. He petitioned the Chief Justice against the High Court order served on him. Similarly, a letter from the office of the Chief Justice supposedly authored by same Alexander Opoku Acheampong under Mrs Theodora Georgina Wood’s instructions came to the Mampong High Court.

In this letter, the Mampong High Court had been instructed to desist from any further hearing on the case but had been re-assigned to a Kumasi High Court with a particular High Court Justice’s name mentioned as the one to sit on the case. Are the mentioned High Court judges not those that are already influenced by Asantehene or can easily be manipulated by him? Why the transfer of the cases to Kumasi? I want an explanation from the Chief Justice if indeed she gave that bizarre order.

In a nutshell, I find all these nonsensical, and attempts to twist justice. I never believe one bit that the Chief Justice will do that but probably, the registrar, Alexander Opoku Acheampong who is a subject of Kumawu. From the information coming from Dr Yaw Sarfo’s camp, this Alexander Opoku Acheampong has promised to reward Dr Yaw Sarfo in kind for having created some sort of sub-chief’s stool for his family which is occupied by his nephew who is a University Professor in the United States. Is this the reason why he is engaging in such nefarious activities for which he can be charged with committing crime?

Anyway, the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute is not yet settled as it is being falsely propagated by the Asante “Overlord” himself. Until he ceases his intentions to cheat Kumawuman, we shall ensure he loses sleep over his actions. All those criminally involved in the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute shall be exposed now that God has invigorated me with new ideas, facts and directions.

Greetings to all Kumawuman subjects the world over. I understand my friend Dr James London is indisposed. I wish him a speedy recovery.

Rockson Adofo