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Opinions of Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Columnist: Lungu, Prof.

The Kwame Nkrumah African Development Incentive and Award by Mo Ibrahim!

By: Prof Lungu

We read Kwame Gyasi's feature essay, "The Thoughts Of Dr. Mo Ibrahim",
published on Ghanaweb 16 November 2015, with some interest and hope.

We thank Mr. Gyasi for the notice and information about the visit to Ghana of Dr. Mo Ibrahim, the business tycoon and African philanthropist.

We hope the 19th November visit to the University of Ghana, Legon, will be super productive from the point of view of governance (in Ghana and Africa), going forward.

We hope that his visit is a lot more productive for Ghana, on top of the Obama visit of yester-year!

Now, our business!

With respect to the Mo Ibrahim Awards, we always wondered why so much money thus far was paid to 2 or 3 people, to a few individuals in Africa (the challenged, but resource-rich continent). Why couldn't all that money be split into more parts, to inspire more people, in more countries in Africa?

Surely there are a lot more people in Africa, women included, who inspire 1,000s, in proportion to their span of life and circle, by their character, their effort, and their frame of mind.

Now, do not get us wrong!

Clearly, we recognize that it is Dr. Mo Ibrahim's money and time. Still, most times, a team is better than one - as he must already know, successful as he is.

Further, we are curious who Dr. Ibrahim's African heroes are, other than the few living souls he hopes to inspire in his lifetime.

For instance, what is Dr. Ibrahim's perspective on the work of Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, for Ghana and Africa?

Will Dr. Mo Ibrahim agree with Dr. Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba, of Kenya, who also was recently in Ghana and gave a rousing defense of African development, African-centeredness, that the seminal contributions of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana?

Is it not about time Dr. Mo Ibrahim spoke about the corrections of history, at Legon, about the narrative of African under-development, in other to fundamentally re-transform the African mind and purpose of development as pioneered and best articulated by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana (during the 1950-1960s)?

It is about time, we say, that we again addressed the root causes, not just the symptoms of under-development in Ghana (and Africa).

The record is clear: Kwame Nkrumah never stole a cedi from Ghana.

The record is also clear: To the bitter end, Kwame Nkrumah elected not to invade Ghana from Guinea just so he could attempt to hold on to power after the overthrow by the manipulative hands of the USA, France, and the UK, on Ghana's First Losers, the Nonentities, Liars, and Crooks (NLC) bunch.

So, how about "The Kwame Nkrumah African Development Incentive and Award (KNADIA)," by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation?

How about that?

1. Kwame Gyasi. The Thoughts Of Dr. Mo Ibrahim, Feature Article, Ghanaweb, 16 November 2015.

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(Read Mo! Listen Mo! See Mo! Reflect Mo!).

©Prof Lungu is Ghana-Centered/Ghana-Proud.
Prof Lungu is based in Washington DC, USA.
The Kwame Nkrumah African Development Incentive and Award by Mo Ibrahim!
Brought to you courtesy©16 November, 2015.