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Opinions of Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Majority Leader in Parliament is in Dilemma

for Running his Mouth

Honourable Alban Bagbin, the Majority Leader in Parliament is treading on an overstretched tight rope which is in danger of snapping when least tampered with. He has of late come out vociferously in support of that "holier than thou" section of the NDC seeking to cast slur on President Mills' administration. The propensity at which he displays complete absurdity, running his slimy mouth in consonant with the belligerent behaviour of J.J. Rawlings has stirred up the hornet's nest. Little did one know that his insinuations of Mills surrounding himself with fair weather friends, bootlickers and intimidators were directed partly at the Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor? As if those untoward insinuations were not enough, he has taken a step further to threaten the Finance Minister with a sack.

Alban Bagbin for undisclosed intimate reasons has threatened to manoeuvre Parliament for a 2/3 majority to pass a vote of no confidence in the Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor. Consequent upon passing such a vote, the Finance Minister is automatically relieved of his duties, chased out of his ministry and probably finds himself languishing in Kumawu, a dilapidated town in a valley surrounded by hills, the land of his birth. Those reasons assigned by Bagbin and as published, are not the real motivating factors for his untimely slanderous or scandalous behaviour. His published reasons for organizing Parliament to fire Dr. Kwabena Duffuor are the alleged persistent failure of the Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor, to release funds approved by Parliament to government institutions like the Auditor-General's Department and his failure to submit himself for questioning in Parliament when needed.

I will politely advise Alban Bagbin to retract his published threats, apologise to the Finance Minister and any other Minister offended by his malicious intentions. I am ready to spill the beans if he does refuse to oblige by my simple admonition. For how long should we sit on the fence whilst our politicians lie to us, take us for granted, play on our intelligence, and tax our patience? Why should I allow Bagbin to tarnish the reputation of such an honest compatriot, let alone a fellow citizen of Kumawu with impunity, when I am cognizant of his ulterior motive? Does the Savannah Company ring a bell, Mr. Alban Bagbin? This simple question is a precursor of what I know and how its detail revelation will damage you beyond repair. You are one of the most dishonest, selfish, corrupt and malevolent politicians Ghana is currently compelled to cope with.

Alban Bagbin should note that the Finance Minister working in tandem with the Governor of the Bank of Ghana is to manage the finances of the country. He can only spend as far as to the last pesewa in the national coffers from both borrowed and internally generated sources. To expect him to spend over and beyond the nation's elasticity point to accommodate ones intentions to line their pocket is unpropitious financial management. Dr. Duffuor, an astute businessman and banker as he is, will not yield to such nonsensical business and banking malpractices. Bagbin in his utter display of management incompetence, readiness to be Rawlings' poodle, has crossed the Rubicon where he has got himself ensnarled in corrupt practices. Yesterday, he purchased tractors meant for poor farmers at a disadvantageous discount to the nation. He is even yet to pay for them. Today, he is soiling the reputation of our Finance Minister for outwitting him, putting a stop to his intentions to avail himself of some "Sakawa-like" opportunity.

Little did I know that when Rawlings directed his anger at some greedy bastards who allegedly have wormed themselves into the NDC party, the Finance Minister was inclusive? Yes, he is a CPP guy who has been associating with the NPP and the NDC but for a good reason. He wants to be of service to his nation and his people. If he can achieve his good intentions for Mother Ghana by such associations, what is wrong about it? Is he not fulfilling what Saint Aquinas said, "I want to be of service to my people?" He has placed his expertise at the service of the nation by accepting various positions both in government and outside government. Is this his sin? Oh, come off your ignorance, Alban Bagbin and Rawlings. The Finance Minister by his prudent policies will one day wean us off the IMF's breast milk which is burning our teeth as grown-ups as we are. It is making us always look child-like. We can only be ourselves if we implement sound policies exactly as initiated by the Mills' government via our dynamic Minister who has become a subject of ridicule by Bagbin.

Mr. Bagbin, you are today issued an ultimatum which is but running out with the tick tock, tick tock of the clock. Swallow your pride and apologise to the Finance Minster. Cease being Rawlings' poodle for try as he does, he will never rule Ghana again. Never ever will Ghanaians have him back as President. His nineteen year rule of tyranny is more than enough!Â

Rockson Adofo