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Opinions of Friday, 12 October 2018

Columnist: Alhassan Salifu Bawah

The Menzgold Saga: A lesson for Avea Nsoh

Professor Ephraim Avea Nsoh Professor Ephraim Avea Nsoh

Instead of making vain attempts to appear like a saint in the media, Avea Nsoh, should take a cue from Menzgold, and ensure that he assembles a very good defensive team and square off with the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) upcoming Disciplinary Board encounter.

This is the only path that is most likely to restore Avea Nsoh to his 'throne'. The media and for that matter, the minority of the general public, cannot provide the answers required by the UEW Disciplinary Board.

Menzgold went down a similar thoughtless path when the concerned Regulators, simply asked for clarifications in respect of its taking of deposits from the public and subsequent payments of interests. Instead of simply furnishing the Regulators with this basic information, Menzgold childishly attempted to court public sympathy by a series of unethical and ignorant press releases, all geared towards painting the Regulators black, in the eyes of the public. This backfired woefully!!

The attempt by Avea Nsoh, to paint the current administration of UEW black, will NOT stick!! A window of opportunity has been extended to Avea Nsoh, to appear before the UEW Disciplinary Board, with all the Lawyers in this world, if he so wishes, and exonerate himself.

The Lawyer who led Prof. Avoke and his partners in create, loot and share spree at UEW to the ditch, and legged it abroad to expend the legal fees he bagged from Prof. Avoke on expensive suits, is just around the corner at Legon, and ever ready to grab his share of the looted funds of UEW from his 'preys' again. Did that so- called Lawyer's media bliss result in his clients exoneration? He may even advice Avea Nsoh, not to appear before the UEW Disciplinary Board as was the case with Prof. Avoke and the others.

If Avea Nsoh, not believe, but just suspect that he is being victimised by the current administration of UEW, led by the unfazed Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful- Broni, who is firing on all cylinders to get UEW working again, unlike Prof. Avoke and his scumbags, like Avea Nsoh, who brought UEW to its knees, should go to court and assert his rights! What is Avea Nsoh waiting for?