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Opinions of Thursday, 23 February 2006

Columnist: Poku, Kojo

The Mis-education of President Kufuor


  • 1999: "I will fight corruption with all my heart" - at a picnic at the Rowntree Park in Toronto Canada

  • 2000: "I will have Zero Tolerance for corruption, if I become president"
  • 2001: My Government is committed to zero tolerance to corruption!

  • 2002: Allegations of corruption in my Government are just rumours. There is no proof!!

  • 2003: Corruption has existed since the time of Adam and Ghana is not the only corrupt country!

  • 2004: There is no corruption in Ghana. It is only a perception in people?s heads!!!!

  • 2005: If you find corruption in my Government, bring the evidence to the Castle.

  • 2006: If you find corruption in my Government, send it to the police.

  • 2007 (prediction): If you find corruption in my Government, send it to the WHITE HOUSE
  • 2008(prediction): If you find any evidence of corruption, leave me in peace. I am no longer in charge

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