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Opinions of Friday, 31 January 2014

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice

The NDC High Class Millionaire Prostitution Ring

Ghanaians are complaining of economic stagnation but there is one area where the
economy is booming and millionaires are being created everyday. It is now clear
that, if you want to become a millionaire, the easiest way to achieve it quicker is
to join National Democratic Congress(NDC) Party Millionaires Prostitution exclusive

The National Women Organizer of NDC Party, Anita Desoso is on a shopping spree not
for clothes or shoes but buying big items bigger than houses or cars. This woman who
used to live in Kumasi under a different name and not known to be rich let alone a
DOLLAR MILLIONAIRE is now tendering a bid to buy the biggest Opposisition Party in
Ghana, NPP for one million dollars($1.0 million) though the Party is not up for sale
or whether even it is legal to buy a political party in Ghana.

What is it about Ndc women and one million dollars? A few months ago another woman,
Victoria Hammer also has a dream of making one million dollars before leaving
politics. Where did Anita Desoso make her dollar millions she can now throw one
million dollars around like pocket change?

As to whether the NPP party is being auctioned is not known yet, but Anita Desoso
has categorically stated that she is interested in buying the opposition Elephant

"According to her, the NPP party over the years is being run by individuals who are
well-heeled and can dictate to it, so securing “ownership” of the party will make
her quite influential despite being an NDC member."

How much did she pay to get a controlling interest in Ndc where she has been given
the certificate of lawlessness where she can run her car over poor folks in Eastern
region maiming them without being prosecuted? Now this woman is a dollar millionaire
and Ghana Internal Revenue Service should audit her and find out where she is making
her millions.

I know the position of National Women Organizer in NDC does not pay that much to
make anybody a dollar millionaire unless she is a high class call woman and pimping
NDC big butty women to the honny arsed Ndc men.

A conversation between Anita and a prominent Ndc bigwig went like this:

Anita, will you sleep with me for ? $10,000 a night?


What about $5000?

Yes and if you can throw in an unexpired pussy coupon I issued to preferred
clients a few months ago.

Anita, what about $1000 a night?

What kind of woman do you think I am?

Anita, we know the kind of woman you are, it's just the price of your services we
are trying to establish.

'Aiight', whatever.

Justice Sarpong