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Opinions of Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

The NDC Is Not Your Father’s Cocoa Farm

A revolution is an organic constructional process in which the old edifice is dismantled brick by brick and a new house built in its place, stone by stone. This process takes generations. It cannot be the task of a clique to remove that system in a period of FOUR YEARS. To remove the old and CORRUPT SYSTEM may take only ONE MORNING.

But to eradicate HABITS and ATTITUDES that charaterise and facilitate the operation of that system is A TASK FOR DEDICATED BUILDERS like the erstwhile C.D.R members and their female counter-parts in the 31st December Women’s Movement that was formed on May 15th 1982 during the PNDC era. Flt. Lt. J.J. Rawlings, the former Chairman of the PNDC knew perfectly well that a Neo-colonial state apparatus could not support a Peoples’ Revolution on 31st December 1981 and yet the launched it and prosecuted it until the end of the Cold War in 1990 before he unwillingly returned to constitutional rule because of a strong Western pressure in 1992 and became the first civilian President of the fourth Republic. At the end of the extreme sacrificial revolution in 10 years – Jerry Rawlings and all leading members of the erstwhile PNDC government collected their Fat ex-gratia awards together with cars to match and turned round to ask the poor cadres to take THE REVOLUTION while they TOOK the MONEY. It will be recalled that in 1979 President Shehu Shagari of Nigeria pleaded with Rawlings NOT TO EXECUTE General F.W.K. Akuffo- a former Head of State under the Supreme Military Council II, but Rawlings, snubbed him and had Akuffo executed by firing squad. In retaliation, the Nigerian government refused to SUPPLY OIL TO GHANA, and Ghanaians called Nigeria’s bluff and were very happy walking to work for several months – all in support of the God sent House Cleaning Exercise which was taking place within the Armed Forces in Ghana at that time. After Rawlings handed over to Dr. Limann on 24th Sept. 1979, he was so persecuted, harassed and tortured mentally by Dr. Limann through the Military Intellence (Ml) chaps and the then Special Branch operatives that he had to go underground to stage another coup de’tat on 31st Dec. 1981. Ghanaians hailed him.
Until then, he was under 24 hour surveillance by the M’l chaps and the Special Branch now (BNI) operatives one week after he handed over to Dr. Limann in 1979. Civilian supporters of the June 4 Movement including this writer had their fair share of Dr. Limann’s hatred for the AFRC without which he would never had become the President of Ghana at all, because that election would have been rigged by the Owners of Ghana” in favour of the late Victor Owusu’s Popular Front Party (PFP) which the NPP represent today 2012.
We are fighting a CLASS WAR in Ghana, but Rawlings is pretending not to know. Jerry Rawlings went on to beat the NPP twice on the ticket of the NDC in 1992 and 1996 and ruled for 8 good years before handing over power to Ex-President J.A. Kufour in Jan. 2001 and he also ruled up to December 2008 and handed over to Prez. J.E.A. Mills in Jan. 2009

Cadres from the North to South, East to West and the Centre of Ghana are appealing to the Rawlingses NOT TO SEND the NDC back to opposition just because some people in the Executive arm of government are trying to redefine what the NDC is about and what the hardships of the masses are really about. As for me, it is about points of principle and NOT A QUEST FOR POWER – this was what Rawlings told Mr. I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr. of the “Daily Guide” in an Exclusive interview on July 8th 2011. Before that, Rawlings had earlier warned NDC delegates at the Jubilee Park in Kumasi that” The In-evitable will happen if his wife lose the election at the NDC National Delegates Congress in Sunyani on July 9th 2011. Rawlings must know that it was his MOUTH that caused his wife’s defeat and not that the election was rigged by President Mills. At 65 years, he must stop his “Pata Paa Politics”, re-adjust himself and ensure that Mills win the election in December 2012 or have his reputation WANED forever and ever. Amen, was he not the very person who IMPOSED MILLS ON THE NDC BY FORCE IN 1996 and sent his security dogs to hunt dissenting cadres since I was chased several times until I eluded them and went into hiding in a cottage in the Brong-Ahafo region for over 2 good months because of Mills and Goosie Tannoh’s Reform Boys? How can you then LEAVE MILLS, YOUR CHOSEN BEGOTTEN SON IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD by calling for his replacement in the 2012 general election- you must name those corrupt government officials in the Mills government for the President to take action than to continue condemning him on every occasion just to ensure that Nana Akuffo Addo’s NPP win the 2012 general election because if you are very bitter, the remaining surviving cadres are extremely bitter than you and your wife because you are just going too far. What did you do when your former ministers were framed up and jailed by Ex-Prez. Kufour and his vicious government from 2001- 2008? Could you celebrate June 4 with pomp and pageantry when the NDC was in opposition from 2001 – 2008 as you have been celebrating it under Prez. Mills since 2009 to date 2012? Because of your general behavior some Regional NDC and Constituency Executives including MMDCE’S now see the great NDC as their father’s Cocoa Farm and they have been treating cadres with contempt. My WIFE had divorced me because of NDC politics since 2004 up to date- thinking that I may get a job now that the NDC is in power but that was not to be since I was rather sidelined with contempt by my MCE in favour of his childhood friend who never voted for the NDC in 2008 and 2009 because I am a Rawlings Boy. I said good bye to my dear wife. Yes, I am very, very proud to be called a Rawlings Boy because the sitting President of the Republic of Ghana in the person of Professor J.E.A Mills is the No. 1 recognised Rawlings’ Boy in this country. If you don’t stop it, I will bring my wife and children to you to cater for them since I can not bare it any longer. Since June 4, 1999, Jerry Rawlings entered Ghana’s political landscape Preaching Justice, Equality, Probity, Accountability and above all progressive development – that has been upheld by the organs of the 31st December revolution as well as the June 4 Movement up to date 2012. Why should Rawlings always ask his own cadres to sacrifice until they die? Why at all is he now behaving as if he does not know who the NPP members are, and what they are capable of doing if Mills should become a “One Term” President in December 2012?
Rawlings used to describe Nana Akuffo Addo as “THAT SHORT MAN” since 2008 to date, but because of the frosty relations between him (Rawlings) and President Mills, he now knows the real name of the NPP flagbearer as Nana Akuffo Addo who is FIT TO BECOME GHANA’S NEXT PRESIDENT. Could any cadre or any NDC member behave like him when he (Rawlings) was the President of Ghana from 1992-2000? The answer is capital NO. so POSITIVE DEFIANCE AWAITS RAWLINGS IF HE CONTINUE TO CONDEMN PRESIDENT MILL and we will never, never stop it, even if the President tells us to stop because that is the only language he (Rawlings) will understand. This writer will become the first cadre to bring my wife and children for Rawlings to feed and take care of their education. After that, I will call on the remaining surviving cadres to do the same thing if he still insists on blasting President Mills in order to project Nana Akuffo Addo. From 1979 – 2012, he had used cadres several times and dumped them without blinking an eye. Our parents have described cadres as FOOLS nation wide. This time, cadres can not become BEGGARS in their own political party since 1992 to date 2012.
We prefer the “WORST GOVERNMENT” of President Mills to Rawlings. SO CALLED VIBRANT GOVERNMENT of Nana Akuffo Addo and his tribal grouping full of WAR MONGERS and damn the consequences. As a seasoned politician for 19 years plus, Rawlings must rather concentrate on his Peace Initiatives in Somalia, Sudan and Niger who are fighting and dying of hunger because of drought and leave the NDC alone if he is NOT PREPARED TO CAMPAIGN for the Party to win in 2012. Jerry Rawlings fought against injustice and cheating, but he has cheated all his own cadres and insulted their intelligence on top. He has also disappointed all cadres so he must apologise to his cadres.

I cannot conclude this article without issuing a stern warning to some hawks in the NDC whose stock in trade is to always insult the Rawlingses when trying to defend President Mill’s government. This is very bad for I have written this lengthy article devoid of insults so why should people like Alhaji Bature and co. always pour insults on the NDC Founder and his wife? It is a fact that those who could NOT STICK OUT THEIR NECKS to the counted as P.D.C’s and W.D.C’s because of COWARDICE in January 1982 under the PNDC government, are now eating with both hands, and cannot identify a political disaster when they see one because they can not see anything beyond their stomachs. After June 4 1979 this writer registered as a member of the Ashanti Regional June 4 Movement and was sacked from the AGC mine along with 102 miners as we were identified as June 4 supporters. In Jan. 1982, I again registered as a P.D.C member in 1982 and in 1992, I registered once more as an NDC member to date 2012. But I will never, never insult the Rawlingses, so why should you be insulting them. Insults can never solve internal party problems at all, it rather worsens them. The Rawlingses are GEMs, so they must be preserved at all times. Is that clear?
This article is DEDICATED to all those who risked and sacrificed their precious lives in the early years of the 31st December revolution honestly believing that Ghana would be a better and safe place with equal opportunities for all Ghanaians as well as the unknown heroes who died in the early days of the revolutionary process due to problems of under development by past governments in this country.
Now hate them or love them, the Rawlingses are GEMs that must be preserved at all times – is that clear? Are the Rawlingses listening to me very well?
I shall return when the need arise. I am done. “Jaanbie Iwaii Aluta Continua!

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