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Opinions of Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

The NDC heroes’ fund – Who are the real heroes?

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It will be recalled that the Cancer of Politics of Betrayal caused the unfortunate death of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah after his violent overthrow on 24th February 1966 where men became women out of cowardice and fear of death.

The Late Dr. Hilla Limann who worked against Dr. Nkrumah and the CPP surprisingly inherited his mantle and became President on the ticket of the CPP political tradition and this is the big question many followers of Nkrumah have failed to answer from 1969 to 1971, for example, the late Dr. Hilla Limann was a Top Research Bureau Employee at the time who served as Heard of the Chancellery at the Ghana Embassy in Lome, Togo with responsibility for intelligence and to checkmate pro Nkrumah activities in Ghana.

Dr. Limann was elected President of Ghana on the ticket of People’s National Party (PNP) an offshoot of Dr. Nkrumah’s CPP which was banned for 10yrs by the traitors of the National Liberation Council that liberated nobody in 1966, but themselves and American citizens.

It was through the staunch NLC intelligence activities in Togo, Benin, Nigeria and Guinea run by people like Dr. Limann that undermined Dr. Nkrumah’s plans to return to power and continue the good work he had started and one such person is Jerry Rawlings wife – Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings who amassed so much wealth as a former first lady for 19years and refused to care for her sons and daughters (Cadres) and built a war chest by fielding so many parliamentary candidates in her bid to become President of Ghana in 2012.

We would not allow her to miss lead innocent Ghanaians to join her National Destruction Party (NDP) but would rather show her true colours to Ghanaians and Heat Her Nyass if she becomes a stubborn cat. It was the cancer of betrayal in politics that killed Dr. Nkrumah and it is the same political betrayal that will kill Rawlings through his wife as she has already infected him with an Artificial Parkinson’s Disease because she is very bitter. We, the Progressive Forces in Ghana and Africa will Never Forgive Those Who Betrayed Dr. Nkrumah

Where did Nana Konadu get that huge money to form a Political Party? She cheated cadres on the blind side of her husband. Madam, it is now time to vomit the loot and account to the cadres whose monies you have taken illegally. Africans will Never Recover from the 1966 coup.

In fact, Several pro – Nkruamh agents were rounded up between 1966 – 1971 and “Neutralized” – whatever that meant. I can’t tell – others were murdered inside Ghana. It was unsafe to visit the New Hotel built by the Progressive Forces called the “Date” which signaled the Date Dr. Nkrumah returns to Ghana, there would be jubilation.

Now, when the records of the NLC intelligence service are declassified, Researchers would know which CPP leaders worked for the NLC Military Junta including the men allegedly paid by the NLC military to have intelligence – related adulterous relationships with the wives of their detained “comrades’ as we called ourselves between 1956-1966.

Make No Mistake this writer was a staunch Young Pioneer Member who was detained at the Nsawam Security Prison alongside MacLean Konche, Magnus George and M.O Kwatia who were all killed by the fire eating NLC Military. Junta then headed by Brigadier Afrifa. However, today 2016 these political criminals in the NPP are breaking the eardrums of Ghanaians by saying that Dr. J.B. Danquah was killed in the Nsawam Prison by Dr. Nkrumah.

What about the 3 Socialist Boys I mentioned above? Was J.B Danquah far better than them? Such Nonsense. Who are the true heroes who will benefit from the heroes fund – It is the cadres of course and not stomach politicians in the party and does not want to see or hear the name of cadres.

Hmmm! Look at them! Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings has a misconceived Agenda and Cadres would never fold their arms and allow her to implement that Agenda because no true cadre worth his salt would leave the great NDC and go to join an ungreatful former first lady full of greed and ingratitude. Never mind it was J.J Rawlings and his wife who taught me to be bold and fearless and I have done just that after all, who born dog?

Since 31st Dec. 1981 – 1993 and 24 years of the NDC, I have never counted GH¢ 1,000.00 being money given to me by the PNDC government or the current NDC government and the records are there but the CDR’s projected nonentities to fame and dressed known criminals in saintly garbs all in the name of National Reconciliation and they have all turned against Cadres and the NDC

How sad it is, I was the Head of the Arbitration and Complaints Dept. of the CDRs from 1983-1993, then on secondment from the AGC Ltd. Dear reader, do you want more? Keep your fingers crossed, I shall return when the need arise.

From Obuasi, this has been Clement Sangaparee giving the former First Lady, a perpetual heartbeat.

Writer's e-mail: [email protected]