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Opinions of Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Columnist: Kwaku Bimpeh

The NDC is a scandalous political party

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I woke up suddenly with a pacing heartbeat and a feeling of fear not aware where I was until I looked up to be assured by the four walls of my double room, still not sure I had a good lookout through my double glazed window to realise oh gosh am still at home in Luton.

It must have been the post I saw on Facebook the night before, about the NDC asking for ideas for a manifesto for 2020 elections in Ghana. The NDC is indeed a scandalous Political Party and the thought of the NDC ruling Ghana again gives me nightmares.

I am beginning to understand the many trips to London in the last few months by NDC gurus and bigwigs were all to secure ideas on how to prepare a manifesto for 2020. I knew they were bankrupt of ideas as a good friend puts it, but I couldn’t comprehend the extent of this bankruptcy.

All the show tell signs are evident now just like they were evident in 2014/15 on their economic management strategy which led Dr Bawumia to warn them about the possibility of seeking a bailout from the IMF if they do not change course.

Truly it came to pass that the NDC went for a bailout of about $900 million from the IMF with all its crippling conditions that resulted in the formation of the unemployment graduates association, the first time in the history of Ghana and the cancellation of both teacher and nursing training allowances, which were instituted as an incentive to get Ghanaians into those much needed professions.

This also explains why the NDC oversaw the worst banking crisis in the history of Ghana costing the taxpayer about GH 14 billion, money that could have been used to build schools and hospitals and much needed social infrastructure. Also, the debt crises that rose yearly at the NHIA to GH 1.2billion by 2016 and the money that disappeared from public sector accounts amounting to about GH 3 billion in 4 years during the NDC era between 2012 to 2016.

Not long ago we were reminded of the revolutionary and the violent roots to the NDC by their presidential candidate John Mahama, in addition to his claims of Ghanaians having a short memory.

The bible quotes “lack of knowledge makes my people perish” and my father often says the pen is mightier than the sword. In simple terms, the current leadership of the NDC does not have the vision to move Ghana forward.

Ghana deserves a much better opposition and a political party whose ideas are rooted in knowledge and one who believes knowledge is power and not violence.

Many Ghanaians are fed up with the slow pace or lack of development since independence in 1957 while our peers have had a much-accelerated pace of development. The current NPP government’s vision is one that will accelerate Ghana in terms of our development.

The free SHS policy will lead to a much-educated future workforce who can make much better-informed decisions and choices particularly in the area of health where such decision can reduce the spread of communicable diseases such as malaria.

The 1D1F policy of the NPP government will create jobs for the youth in the long term and will help promote a much better lifestyle as their income rises, the 1V1D initiative through the Ministry of Special Initiatives will support heavily the people in the northern areas of the country who faces the harsher reality of climate changes and weather dynamics.

For a people who depend heavily on farming, they are assured of access to much-needed water for farming to grow their crops and to sell them to get the much-needed income to support themselves and their families.

The warning signs are clear for all to see, voting the NDC means voting for much harder economic conditions and reversing the good policies of the NPP government that has benefited so many Ghanaians and is setting up the agenda for a much quicker pace of development, one that has never been seen since independence.

What still confuses me is that in all their manifestos since 1992 the NDC claims they put it together after extensive consultation? Really? It is very clear that the NDC does not have a vision and competent men and women to run a successful government, even after spending millions on so-called capacity building.

Let’s vote for continuity in 2020, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has demonstrated beyond doubt that he deserves 4 more years.
let’s vote Nana in 2020 and the NPP beyond 2020.
God bless our homeland Ghana.

Kwaku Bimpeh
Deputy Communications Director