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Opinions of Saturday, 17 December 2011

Columnist: Nabomo, Kinglsey

The NPP Running Mate Saga- The “Argument” From “Pity”

15th December, 2011.

In desperation and blind rage one is sure to be illogical in two very predictable ways- you may think you alone have interest and your view is right, and the rest are stupid and cannot reason. When emotions influence your evaluation of your limitations your judgements will nail you to perpetual failure. For the past two weeks Ghanaians have had to grapple with media headlines concerning the selection of a running mate for the great Kukurudu party. The discussions based on outrage appear to substitute reason and judgement in considering the issue of winning the 2012 election with narrow parochial interest and biases. It is expected this would be a topical issue considering the stature of the NPP and the quality that the party can boast of-men and women of high intellectual and professional competence.

It is factually recognised that the selection of the running mate is the prerogative of the Nana Addo and the council of elders as per the party constitution however; Nana Addo MUST KNOW that the eventual pick will make him president in 2012 or otherwise.

Nana Addo must know that he got an overwhelming endorsement from Northern Ghana at the party presidential primaries because a particular figure was behind to marshal that support. Nana Addo must know that part of the reason we lost the election to the incompetent ruling NDC was because he didn’t get the requisite support expected of a running mate in an election like we had in 2008. History demonstrates constantly that decisions taken through the argument of pity is a poor lens through which to view the world. Such decisions are seldom wise and cannot stand the test of time. Legitimate warning does not involve irrelevance and do not qualify as threats or scare tactics, however Nana Addo should forget his presidential Ambition if he maintains Bawumia as his running mate. If he wants to continue to have a say and influence NPP decisions in future after serving as president he must go for Hon. Dery. Our reasons are explicit; He is the light that shines and brightens several dark corners of Ghanaian politics, and he is the vote magnet and can impact positively on Nana’s chances.

His excellent legal achievements in Ghana and abroad, his superb political performance as deputy Attorney and Minister for Justice, Minister of state in charge of Attorney at the office of the president, Upper West Regional Minister where he transform politics in the region within two years, the first NPP MP to delivered a hot safe seat of the NDC to the NPP where he overturn an over 10,000 vote deficit in 2004 to win with over 1000 votes and his current role as deputy Minority Leader makes him stand out and reduces the search to just one name-Ambrose Dery.

Nana and the council of elders must shift away from this argument from pity fallacy that –we have a job that needs doing and Bawumia lost his job because of the party and needs one desperately and so he should be given the running mate. The question is does Bawumia have what it takes politically? Feeling sorry for Bawumia may lead Nana Addo to misjudge his abilities and that will be a mistake in reasoning. Let not compassion, a desirable emotion tempt us to exaggerate Bawumia’s political ability. He is no good politician but a perfect technocrat and must be seen in that lens.

While it is Nana Addo’s prerogative to select his running mate he must beware of “A DESIRE FOR ACCEPTANCE” which is a motivation for group dynamism and commitment necessary for victory in 2012. The NPP must re-think this argument from tradition; the north south ticket was for regional or geographic balance as far as I know. It has got nothing to do with religion. Northerners, Nana Addo and the party must make this distinction clear for religion is the opium of people.

The NDC in its entire history has never gotten a Muslim running mate to win an election. In 2000, Amidu and Mills loss, 2004, Mumuni and Mills Loss and 2010 John and Mills won. Analogically that argument of a Muslim northerner is baseless, false and divisive and must be eliminated from our body politic. My brothers from the north must know in the end a running mate from the north is what the party will go for and it shall be a zero-sum game because a man from northern Ghana shall be selected to partner Nana Addo. However, the choice must be one that is familiar and can bring the desire change in the situation of the north. One man stand tall in this latter argument the Hon Member of Parliament for Lawra Nandom, Deputy Minority leader, Member of the Pan African Parliament and fine Lawyer- Ambrose Patrick Dery.

We the youth of the Upper West Region (NPP), UE, NR, Settler Communities in the B/A, Eastern and Western Region are appealing to Nana Addo and the party to select Ambrose Dery for victory in 2012.

Kinglsey Nabomo
