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Opinions of Friday, 26 October 2012

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

The NPP must Stop Attacking Akrafi Sarpong

Ever since the British Authorities intercepted some smuggled drugs worth over $8million dollars which allegedly passed through the Kotoka International Airport (KIA) Mr. Yaw Akrafi Sarpong, the Executive Secretary of NACOB has become the punching bag of the Narcotic Peddlers Party (NPP) in Ghana. If anything at all, the culprits and their agents as well as the security officials on duty at the Aviance Cargo village that day have been rounded up for questioning by the BNI and other security Agencies within 24 hours after that shameful complicity was detected.

This is in sharp contrast to the days of the NPP gov’t under Ex-Prez. Kufour where Drug Barons and peddlers were hailed as successful businessmen and women and some NACOB/CEPS Officials were given instant promotions for allowing hard drugs to pass through the Airport freely. The following are clear examples.
1) Five constituency Women Organizers of the NPP at Dzorwulo, a suburb of Accra were arrested at the Airport in 2005, and Mrs. Theresah Kufour, wife of former President Kufour intervened and those women were issued with Diplomatic Passports and they left the shores of Ghana after being released from Police Custody.
2) 77 parcels of cocaine vanished into thin air when the police men in charge of that operation were allegedly bribed but there was a mock trial of ACP Boakye and others which ended in a fiasco.
3) To add insult to injury, Dishonourable Eric Amoateng a cocaine MP for Nkoranza North was arrested in the United States in 2005 and Ex-Prez. Kufour and Nana Akuffo Addo made several diplomatic efforts for the US Government to bring Amoateng for trial in Ghana, but the Americans refused flatly and went ahead to jail him after he was tried and found guilty in that country. He would have been a freeman if the Americans had agreed to send him back to Ghana. This is just to mention only a few serious drug incidents of national interest under the corruption ridden government of the NPP led by Ex-President Kufour from 2001-2008 where Ghanaians lived under a Government with an abrasive President that was supposed to be democratic and should have been a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but the opposite was the case since it was a crime to speak against the drug trade in Ghana. Nobody cared about it and it was a business as usual.
Meanwhile, it was reported that some 5 officials of NACOB were arrested and released on bail over the busted drugs, so if some of those officials were recruited during his administration, is the NPP telling Ghanaians and the whole world that those officials were instructed by the Nacob boss to misconduct themself and get arrested by the Security Agencies or what?
It is therefore totally wrong for NPP members to describe the NACOB Boss as a toothless bull dog or a “Crazy Sarpong”. By the way, why did the NPP describe him as “a crazy man”? It is out of jealousy and an attempt to degrade his efforts in fighting the drug menace in Ghana. It is TIME all Ghanaians treat DRUG TRAFFICKING as a National Affair rather than politicizing it because it wont take us any where?
Drug seizure and trade had put the spot light on Ghana from 2001-2008 under the NPP administration led by Ex-Prez. Kufour because the then National Security Co-ordinator was unconcerned about what went on at the Kotoka International Airport since he was very busy chasing former ministers of the NDC under the Rawlings administration but when those drugs were seized in the U.K and the matter became public, Lt. Col. Gbevlo Lartey was the first to lead crack security operatives to invade the Airport and some arrests were made. This is a serious government unlike the NPP under Kufour, so Mr. Yaw Akrasi Sarpong should Not resign because of the seizure of those drugs. After all, it is under his administration that scores of drug barons have ran for cover and could not come out since 2009 to date 2012, so what is the NPP talking about?
They are only making UGLY NOISES, apologies to the late President J.E.A Mills of blessed memory. Meanwhile, the Fourth John in Ghana politics is coming in the person of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama on 7th Dec. 2012 and he will be sworn into office on 7th Jan. 2013 to hand over in 2030 or there about. Nana Akuffo Addo will surely be retired from active politics after 30 years of violence and tribal politics.
From Obuasi, this has been Clement Sangaparee giving the hot headed punks in the NPP, some perpetual heartbeats.
You just keep your fingers crossed, I shall return when the need arise. “Jaanbie Iwaii” Aluta Continua!

Clement Sargaparee
Municipal Organiser
United Cadres Front

All Media Houses

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