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Opinions of Saturday, 15 November 2014

Columnist: Okwantuni, Kobri

The NPP needs a united front


It is seemingly evidential that power might once again elude the New Patriotic Party looking at how things are unfolding after the Presidential congress.

The party members and sympathizers down who feel the pain after every defeat are crying for unity, whiles other Top men who should have known better are creating division out of selfishness from the top.

An intelligent report reaching the front desk of National Federation of Npp Youth indicates that, some unseen hands are doing everything possible to nullify the appointments of Deputy communications Directors made by the National Chairman and the General Secretary.

Its high time our leaders stop this I cant work with you syndrome. If a crocodile is eating its own eggs, what will it not do to the eggs of a frog?
Its a high time we learn from our mistakes as a party in opposition and make Power 2016 a reality.

Similar occurrences dragged most of our sympathizers and party members to the NDC , PPP and other parties.

We always tout ourselves as the party that brought people like Okujato Ablakwa and co into politics through TESCON before they left to join NDC. The big question is WHY DID THEY LEAVE?

Let's not forget that all those who have been appointed as Deputy Communicators have worked for our great party and as such have followers of theirs own. Should their appointments be terminated, this will affect the party's fortunes in the 2016 elections.

Our little research indicates that the NDC is winning most of our youth over to their party so our leaders must be careful.
Long Live Ghana,
Long Live NPP.

Emmanuel K. Kodua-0236464488
Ahmed Adongo- 0231557278
Kofi Badu Kaakyire- 0275208373
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