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Opinions of Saturday, 8 February 2014

Columnist: Karikari, Isaac

The News in Verse: Free Falling Cedi

By Isaac Karikari ([email protected])

Free falling cedi
Ceding power to the pound
Losing ground to the dollar
The exchange rate
And the forex rape
Is as obscene as porn.
Gh is getting pawned.
The economy’s gone galloping
Maybe someone lost the reins,
The bridle and the bit.
Bit by bit we fall
Until we hit the mark of the pfennig?

The economy is in a thicket
And sasabonsam (satan) is in the thick of it
So the ArchBishop prayed
But got sprayed - with many invectives.
Has the Church preyed?
Is the odour of our expensive perfumes nauseous?
And are our d-alliances (alliance and dalliance) for Jerusalem pilgrimages
Making us obnoxious in the public square?
Is the church strutting towards oblivion?
Or Irrelevance?
Some 20 something million theologians
Wield views of their own
Forged in the Gh crucible
Everything is physical and fiscal
They seem to believe
So no spiritual escapism
or PR for JM.
The men and women of his legion
Will tell you Kwesi prattles and Gabby gabbles,
Spurn Doctor B’s diagnosis and Paa Kwesi’s prescriptions
Of the many alternatives they won’t even accept Baako (one).
Hence the Free falling cedi
Ceding power to the pound
Losing ground to the dollar.
Tis as obscene as porn
But that is what we spawned
In a (so far) spurious Better Ghana.