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Opinions of Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Columnist: Waterz Yidana

The Nigerian government has done well by shutting down Dowen College after the tragic death of Sylvester Oromoni

Sylvester Oromoni, the late Nigerian student Sylvester Oromoni, the late Nigerian student

The avoidable death of the 12-year-old boy Sylvester Oromoni Jnr. has further proven to the world the weaknesses in the Nigerian educational system.

I don't know why in Africa, especially in Nigeria, people's lives are not cherished. People die like flies every day in Nigeria and nobody really cares and it has become normal that people feel or show almost no emotions or concern even if a life is lost.

A boarding school is supposed to be a safe haven for children to have a peaceful study or learning environment where they are completely protected from all forms of danger or attack till they successfully complete their programme. Why is the case different in Dowen College?

Who are the authorities in charge there? Who owns the school? What are his philosophies and beliefs as a proprietor?

Why is the school not concerned about the painful passing of the young boy? They haven't issued a proper statement so far to sympathize with the boy's family, why? They haven't also properly contacted the boy's family, why?

Do they know something about the innocent boy's death in the school? Why are they acting so indifferent and unperturbed?

We must as a people begin to cherish human beings more than every other thing. Let's not continue to think that it is normal to lose a life in many avoidable instances like in Sylvester's case.

The Nigerian government has done well by closing down the school indefinitely to serve as a major deterrent for other schools so that deaths like this one shall cease to happen in boarding schools in Nigeria.

I am glad that the boy's family and other sympathizers of the Nigerian public are making all the necessary efforts to get justice for their beloved son. His death should be the last of its kind in any boarding school in Nigeria.

And let me advise parents of this generation that money is not everything, in as much as "it buys everything". The safety of your children is more important than the money you're chasing every day.

Don't hurriedly dump your children in boarding schools and think that they are safe, they aren't completely safe, considering this idiotic generation and their excesses.

Put your children first, regardless of everything or anything. Be in their lives. Spend quality time with them. Only send them to boarding schools when they are old enough to stand up to bullies or old enough not to be easily influenced by their peers to engage in social vices.

All well-meaning Nigerians should call for justice for the death of the innocent boy. It can happen to your children too, so add your voice to push this positive agenda.

Even a single life shouldn't be lost in such a gruesome manner. Only in an evil society, such happenings will not be taken seriously by the leaders who are in charge.