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Opinions of Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Columnist: Transient Justice

The Oil Belongs to Atta Mills and Rawlings

I keep hearing all this noise about the fact that the oil find in Ghana belongs to Ghanaians! The simple answer to that view is, NO! The oil which was found off the coast of the Western Region belongs to Atta MESS and JATO BOOM! Anyone who thinks otherwise should MAN UP and, go take it from them.

Since the dirty, corrupt, thieving administration of John FIIFI Atta Mess came to power, Ghanaians have been suffering. Amidst all this suffering the only hope has been the forthcoming oil. Well, Brothers and Sisters, I have some bad news the oil does NOT belong to the common citizens of Ghana. It belongs to Atta Mess and Junior Jato BOOM.

In Ghana right now, Dr. Atta Mess runs the country as if he is governing hapless daft infants. He recently announced that there will be NO JOBS until 2013! 2013! WOW! He told us that his MASTERS, OUR masters, the IMF, told him that the way to develop the ECOMINI is to simply starve people to death. Dr. Ecomini Mess basically accepted this premise and, accepted the IMF’s economic model! In doing so, he basically accepted that it is okay for Ghanaians to suffer. Inherent in this belief is the fact that Dr. Atta Mess believes that the Human Beings in Ghana are worthless. This indicates that he is only interested in governing the LAND not the people. Thus, he must feel that Ghana belongs to him. If Ghana belongs to him then, the oil belongs to him. As we all know, his MENTOR is Rawlings and, when one succeeds they always share some of the fruits of their success with their mentor. Thus, the oil belongs to Atta Mills and Rawlings.

This should not be a surprise to all the citizens of the Black Star State of Ghana. After all, in less than 2 years of being in power Dr. Atta Ecomini MESS turned PROUD Ghanaians into refugees! 3500+ Ghanaians were left to suffer in utter misery in Togo because, their government told them YOU DON’T MATTER! Tough words, but, it is the reality under this dirty administration.

Dr. Atta Mess in failing to take care of the most fragile in our society showed that he has reached a level of arrogance not attained by any president we have ever had in this Black Star state of ours. He also indicated that he is indeed governing the LAND and, not the people thus; he MUST feel the same way with regard to the oil.

Lastly, since coming to power Dr. Atta Mess has done nothing with regard to Education, Health Care, Sanitation etc etc. More proof that he does not care about the people of Ghana. Everyday all he talks about is OIL OIL OIL! You would thing the owned a rig! Well, fellow citizens, he owns more than that namely, he owns the OIL!

Thus, please stop all this OIL OIL talk! The oil does not belong to you or me! It belongs to the IMF who we owe Billions, It belongs to all the other banks we owe and, lastly it belongs to Dr. John Fiifi Atta Mills and, Jerry John Rawlings.