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Opinions of Friday, 2 November 2012

Columnist: Appiah, Kofi

The Old And New Faces Of The Ghana Police Service

– Part 1

For the avoidance of doubt and for the information of the young police recruits and the new breed of generation who do not have access to this vital information about the inception of the profession and/or institution, but would care to know, because they would, one day in their lives, like to be part of the system, please see below, the list of the police hierarchy since its inception in 1924 by the Guggisberg governorship of the Gold Coast and their tenure of office. It is hoped that the younger generation would be pleased to read about it to enhance their intellectual capabilities. Please read on.


1. Mr. H.W.M. Bamford Aug. 08, 1924 - Jan.03, 1938 - British
2. Capt. Eric Nottingham 1 9 3 8 – 1 9 4 4 ”
3. Capt. R.W.H. Ballantyne 1 9 4 4 – 1 9 4 8 ”
4. Capt. P. Eckel 1 9 4 8 – 1 9 4 9 ”
5. Major M.K.N. Collens 1 9 4 9 – 1 9 5 7 ”
6. Mr. Arthur Lewin Alexander 1 9 5 8 - 1 9 5 9 ”
7. Mr. Erasmus Ransford Teye Madjitey -Oct.09, 1959- Jan.08,1964 - Ghanaian
8. Mr. J.W.K. Harlley – 1966-1969 – N.L.C. Mil. Admin. ”
9. Mr. Bawa Andani Yakubu - 1969-1971-Progress Party Admin.”
10. Mr. R. Dokyi Ampaw - June 14, 1971 - Jan. 13, 1972 ”
11. Mr. J.H. Cobbinah - Jan.13, 1972–1974-NRC Mil.Adm. ”
12. Mr. Ernest Arko - 1974 1978 – S.M.C.1 Mil.Admin. ”
13. Mr. B.S.K. Kwakye - S.M.C.2 Mil.Adm.- July 17, 1978 – June 04, 1979 ”
14. Mr. C.O. Lamptey - A.F.R.C. Mil.Junta - June 05, 1979 - Nov.2 7, 1979 ”
15. Mr. Fredua Poku Kyei - P.N.P. Admin. - Nov. 27, 1979 – Oct. 05, 1981 ”
16. Mr. I.K. Kugblenu - PNP/PNDC - Oct. 06, 1981- March 09, 1984 ”
17. Mr. S.S. Omane 1984 - 1986 – PNDC ”
18. Mr. C.K. Dewornu PNDC June 12,1986 - Oct. 31, 1989 ”
19. Mr. J.Y.A. Kwoffie PNDC/NDC - 1 9 9 0 - Sept. 3 0, 1 9 9 6 ”
20.Mr. Peter Nantonma Nanfuri Oct. 01, 1996-Jan.21,2001 NDC ”
21.Mr. Ernest Owusu Poku Jan.22,2001- July 31, 2002* NPP ”
22.Nana Owusu Nsiah NPP - Aug. 01,2002 -March 24, 2005 ”
23.Mr. Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong March 25,2005-Jan.27,2009 NPP ”
24.Elizabeth Millls-Robertson(Mrs.) (Acting) Jan.28, 2009 – May 15, 2009 ”
25.Mr. Paul Tawiah Quaye - incumbent - May 16, 2 0 0 9 t o d a t e ”


Prior to the appointment of Mr. E.R.T. Madjitey on October 9, 1959, his British predecessors were designated as Commissioners of Police. Initially, he too was designated as Commissioner of Police before later on, that he too was designated as the first Ghanaian Police top brass with the rank of Inspector General of Police by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s C.P.P. government of the First Republic. The research conducted by this junketing reporter about the police indicates that the Police Administration has two deputies with the ranks of Commissioners of Police in charge of Administration and Operations respectively. Currently, these two personalities are Ms Rose Bio Atenga for Administration with Mr. Kudalor in charge of Operations. Again, these three top notches have nine (9) other directors presumably with the ranks of Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCOPs) or some sort, who are assigned with the responsibilities of, or in charge of Administration, Operations, Special Duties, CID, Finance as Paymaster-General (Quarter Master), Medical, Legal, Logistics & Welfare, Training and Mechanical Transport & Traffic Unit. Furthermore, the IG has a personal or special aide who is styled as Staff Officer and carries the rank of not less than Assistant Commissioner of Police. However, special undercover investigations conducted by the writer reveals that the IG’s position/rank could be likened to that of a lieutenant-colonel in the Army and not higher; so you can see that the other subordinate ranks down the lane i.e. COP/DCOP/ACP/Chief Supt./SUPOL/DSP/ ASP/Chief Inspector etc., should be majors, captains, lieutenants and sub-lieutenants in that descending order if they were in the army.


In reading this piece, you would notice that, more especially some police personnel, who still do not even know how that institution came about; it was during the tenure of Mr. H.W.M. Bamford as Commissioner of Police that one person was allowed to serve the longest; the much longest to have been occupied by any one person from the inception of police as stated elsewhere. Incidentally, it was also during the governorship of Sir Gordon Guggisberg that Gold Coast saw the major transformation in infrastructural development. History has it that his contemporaries, both prede -cessors and successors, could hardly match him – the reason being that he was visionary and this vision and ability to transform the tiny country at the time saw the construction of the Korle Bu Hospital in 1925, the Achmota College also in 1925, the Takoradi Harbour in 1927 and lots more, especially, the extension of the railway network in the country to accelerate the carting of minerals such as gold, diamond, manganese, bauxite and other raw materials up country to the harbour with ease. This development helped put the Gold Coast on an even keel and further up the economic pedestal to the envy of sister colonies along the west coast. His immense contribution to the success story of the economic development of the Gold Coast made us become an enviable economic entrepot in the West African sub-region where people from far and near came for education at the Achimota College, the Mfantsipim School, the Korle Bu Hospital for health delivery facility and the Takoradi Harbour to travel abroad (generally to Europe) for law and medical studies. While most of the expatriate top brass were easily appointed by the British Government on merit and academic prowess to help their respective Governors administer and maintain peace as well as enforce the strictest discipline and observance of human rights records in the Gold Coast, their Ghanaian counterparts mainly thought they had had a field day and slighted the performance of their positions to suit politicians and their personal interest. Most of them were, and still are, appointed to fill the positions just to do the dirty work for the government of the day. It should not be a surprise to notice that, many a times, such officials at the top echelon, compromised with their subordinates to use brute force to penalize or couch political opponents into submission, vis-à-vis the ‘Culture of Silence’ era. The ubiquitous, loud mouthed and ‘Know All’ Kwesi Pratt Jnr. is on record to have said many times that as many as 250 or more persons disappeared under some mysterious circumstances during the PNDC days in Rawlings Ghana and feared that they must have been exterminated and/or annihilated by that regime alone. Wild rumours later had it that some rich men who were opposed to that regime including, of course the military, were allegedly tied to ropes and hung to Air Force helicopters and dropped into the high seas, while the ‘chief executioner and land strategist’, Jack Bebli of blessed memory, was the hatchet man, who led the hit squad that did the dawn killings on the hills near the John Teye Memorial School on the Ofankor-Nsawam road. As for the Air Force Station in Accra, soldier friends say, it was a delight to watch Ghanaians being led there as if they were sheep for the slaughter. Any queries pertaining to the purported 250 disappeared countrymen/ women should be directed at Kwesi as he was still alive because, to him, this was an open secret.


The aftermath of both the 1979 revolutionary junta and the Holy War of 1981 saw the appointment and emergence of the dreadful Peter Nantonma Nanfuri, hitherto, the most fearsome personality after Capt. Rtd. Kojo Tsikata, the security capo of the PNDC, being recalled from the BNI top shot to be given a new lease as the police boss. His cruelty and diminutive figure was unparalleled; cruelty and torture meted out to one Kugblenu, very critical of that regime was such that one day he had portion his skin at the back cut and offered to him to eat while in custody. This account would not be denied by some surviving colleague inmates. That was the time that vociferous persons like the late Tommy Thompson of the Free Press and others met their fate and paid a priceless wage for civil liberty and media freedom with their lives against dictatorship, while the likes of Eben Quarcoo and others, never recovered from the shock of their lives. However, the writer stands for correction. That was the period that fine and brilliant journalists such as Yakubu Dadinkai of the Weekly Spectator and Ms Elizabeth Ohene of the Daily Graphic left the shores of Ghana and never to return except until the Kufuor Administration that Betty ‘Clean’ not the Gargantuan ‘How dare they’ resurfaced. Nobody actually knows about the fate of Yakubu anyway. The media today can now enjoy their total freedom; thanks to the Kufuor Administration for repealing the criminal libel law from our statutes books And this cruelty was administered to the hardened criminals and known political opponents to render them perpetually impotent and useless in society. Alleged injurious/poisonous injections were administered to paralyze notorious inmates and rich and known opponents of the regime. The torture of human beings was probablythe best and humane options for the inmates. The writer recollects when he was subjected to humiliation and scrutiny when he sent company cheques for the late Victor Owusu to sign for payments to creditors and salaries while in custody. Common signature to cheques was not permitted to be done for collection instantly but had to be delayed till the next day. The atrocities that were generally meted out to the inmates of the BINI cells were sufficient enough to send shivers down the spines of most Ghanaians; so when he became the IG, the mere announcement traumatized many people across the length and breadth of the country as a result of his cruelty and wickedness.


The administration of Capt. P. Eckel as Commissioner of Police, could not probably contain the wrath of the rioters and was, therefore, possibly compelled beyond the reasonable limits to authorize the trigger-happy police then on guard at the Rowe Road towards the entrance of Osu Castle to unleash the firepower from their weapons as self-defence to ward off the rioters. Since then, no other brute force was ever heard to be used or applied by the successive expatriate police top brass on the natives. However, apart from the unfortunate incident that claimed the lives of Sergeant Adjetey, Corporal Attipoe and others in the 1948 riots, history has never recorded any bizarre thing of the sort again. But unlike our own compatriot top police gurus, they have always been on collision course with their political bedfellows to cow us with the so called and undignified ‘bestial instructions from above’ to brutalize unarmed and harmless civilians. The Ghanaians do not bother whether the demonstrations were peaceful or not, whether they behaved themselves or not, pampering demonstrators was alien to them. Period! The moment, one came about with impudence to say we have “instructions from above”, that was it. Brute force was to follow, no matter the consequence and number of lives that may be lost; that did not really matter much to them. If a whole president after swearing an oath of office to defend the constitution at all times, could flout the constitutional requirement leading to impeachment on many occasions, why can’t the police, who were regarded as small flies in the system, not be happy to emulate that shameful example and throw same to the dogs? Even though demonstrations of any kind have been boldly enshrined in our constitution, the police would not bother to care a hoot about it. As earlier pointed hinted, the show of brute force by the use of firearms, cannon balls, rubber bullets and hot water of some sort were unleashed and sprinkled onto demonstrators. To them, the indiscriminate use of tear gas of an unreasonable proportion has been the best treatment they had since applied after the Ohene Djan Stadium disaster of May 9, 2001.


With courtesy to ex-president Rawlings, the writer would like to borrow portion of his words when he fumed at Ludwig Hlodze, the NDC national youth organizer, after news had reached him that he too once drove his car in and around Accra with police motorcade escorting him (a sole prerogative for only our Presidents and/or Heads of State). His fury and profuse anger were punctuated with the involuntary use of the pidgin English, ‘Who born dog?’ And it was only in the Paul Tawia Quaye’s era that this nasty sight could be seen to develop. As readers continue with this piece, there could be more political opponents still languishing in jail or in the various police cells/custody across the country as a result of very trivial issues at the behest of the government. Silly, isn’t it? Otherwise, how come that some three or more opponents have been in police custody since the last elections of 2008? They have just been relocated to the Accra Central cells. For whatever reason(s), one does not know nor could fathom. Why and would the police indulge in this unconstitutional incarceration till now, one may ask? Have they been relocated to come to polish the IGP’s boots for him or Kobby’s? Please do all you can to grab a copy from the news stand or the net to read the concluding part 2 for more intriguing and damning revelations about the modern day Ghana police service.
By:[email protected]


Readers should be privileged to read more about this public institutIon for which the top echelon, together with their crack directors, mostly, technocrats, have tried unsuccessfully without any luck to make it a sacrosanct entity but not. It was therefore hoped that the readers will thus enhance their knowledge to know the stuff that they were made of. Please read on.
Do we still remember the Hon. Asamoah Boateng (Asabee) incarceration episode with the Yaw Donkor’s BNI at the Kawokudi area that the Ghana Police, at their bestial best again, ordered for some reinforcement of Zombies and together with those present on duty on that fateful day, to unleash excessive tear gas to suffocate and disperse the irate crowd. In the end, it resulted in the death of one Maikankan of blessed memory. He fell unconscious and later died on the way to the hospital. The public would like to know as of date, how much compensation has been paid to his surviving wife and family. How much has also been paid to the surviving husband whose pregnant wife died mysteriously under Yaw Donkor’s BNI roof while in custody? The moment that ‘foolish’ or loose statement of ‘instructions from above’ came from a ‘ghost’ superior, then they would quickly begin to revisit the Stone Age era antiques and start to behave like animals and kill their own fellow human beings. Do these same superior officers not travel at the expense of the taxpayer to train abroad and were advised to return home to practise what they had been taught or learnt? And Ghanaians know the number of instances that their unprofessional PR department has come out to defend this incivility and to later claim without an apology that it was stray bullet that caused the havoc, and that they had set up a police enquiry team to look into it. They only say that to end a long story short. The police should come out of their shell and tell us how much compensation they normally paid or dished out to the victim’s families for this unfortunate incident (if and whenever an uncouth colleague deliberately/inadvertently killed a civilian) for their bestial action?
The public ought to know how much they paid to the family of victims such as the late Vida Ofori of the I.P.S. who was shot dead by the police in cold blood on campus during student demonstrations and precisely while she was cooking at the dormitory during the mid-80s. Not only that but it should interest readers to note that one Adjei Barimah, then a student of the University of Ghana, was also shot dead on campus by the disgruntled and recalcitrant Legon police during student demonstrations. They should be bold to tell us how much was paid by the government. Could it be anywhere near the Kwesi Ofori’s price tag of Gh¢2,000 for the Yamin’s thugs in Kumasi? I suggest Madam Rose, honorary queen of the Ghana Police, would instruct the ‘lies-infested’ Cephas Arthur to lie between his teeth again and tell the whole wide world the reason that precipitated her memo that was sent to nullify Kwesi Ofori’s ultimatum. Apart from the riots, there was virtually no other account of any such incident that ever happened while the British kept the top police portfolio.that historians wouldn’t have sniffed to record or give an account of. The dastard incident of 1948 which has remained as history till today, resulted in the shooting of the within-named compatriots who died instantly; hundred other rioters and some of the angry mob also got maimed, while thousands severed limbs just for the sake of our generation and those yet unborn. That mob action of positive defiance by the indigenes, however, was to drum home to the British Government through the then governor that the country needed self-government at that moment no matter the loss of lives, limbs and property. In a way, the police have never had any PR spokesman with guts to speak his mind or tell the truth since the departure of ACP Awuntogobe Awuni.
On the contrary, since the inception of the police institution in 1924, there hasn’t been any administration so fraught with brutalities, sheer bravado and atrocities such as the era of Peter Nanfuri’s. While his premier expatriate predecessor H.W.M. Bamford’s era witnessed much improved development and successes for the ‘Ahenfie Police’ as they were very often called, his tenure of office, rather, recorded the incarceration of thousands of Ghanaians languishing in jail and in police custody on the excuse of hearsay, envy, jealousy, pettiness et cetera. The lucky persons who could pull strings got wind about their arrest to flee the country into exile to save their lives. That was the fearsome era of Peter the Great who has now mellowed after superintending the torture of inmates at his BNI cells allegedly with electrical shocks to men’s genital organs, etc. to become a traditional chief up north. No condition was therefore permanent. Furthermore, the most reneged and outstanding administration that has also witnessed inefficiencies, ineptitude and mysteries some of which try to beat human imagination and reasoning, was the Paul Tawia Quaye’s that cocaine seized from drug barons; clinically and scientifically tested to prove positive; when it was later tendered in the courts for the determination of the drug case, miraculously turned out to be caustic soda – haaba! Madam DSP, are you there listening? Wonders, they say, would never, ever end in Ghana. The mystery surrounding the heavily guarded cocaine in police custody at the headquarters could only be unraveled by either the Scotland Yard of the UK or the FBI of the United States of America as to how it became caustic soda.
The author was not in any way trying to amplify matters or exaggerate for readers to impugn his integrity but Mr. Paul Quaye’s tenure, per se, has greatly produced many, many unprecedented scenarios that the international police would take years to believe or comprehend. As for partisan parochial interest and bias towards political opponents, the least talked about it, the much better it would be to calm nerves. As regards carving a niche for his administration, please let us leave it for now and posterity. It should be a case study for students of history. The writer need not bother readers with the clue as there were more than a thousand and one incidents that go against his tenure – the Agbobloshie daylight butchery of political opponents that has now become the ‘see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil’ syndrome. The Cherepone bye election that nearly claimed lives of opponents but for the timely presence and intervention of Prof. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng, the world acclaimed heart surgeon who was right on sight at the spot to rush the wounded from the accident scene to the Yendi Hospital to remove the pellets, they would have been dead now. Curiously enough, if no news regarding the snatching of bidding box by NDC foot-soldiers at Wa ever reached his official desk in Accra for action; what about the other foot-soldiers who gave a deadly chase to the Ashanti Regional Minister, who, ran away and left half pair of his shoes at Effiduase-Asokore? To continue to hammer the inaction of his administration towards the proverbial contract killing involving opponents from the other side of the coin such as Messrs Appenteng, NPP sympathizer and Opoku, NPP’s Vice Chairman of the Dome Kwabenya constituency respectively, will forever be an indelible mark and imprint on his administration. The Police confrontations with harmless civilians and students needing to go on peaceful demonstrations have always been thwarted by his kingdom with the excuse ‘due to some constraints and unforeseen circumstances beyond their control, were unable to give protection etc. just to frustrate such demonstrators. These and many more, of course, were the signs of ineptitude of Paul’s Ghana Police and not until the service shied away from total partisan politics, they would not be accorded with any international recognition whatsoever.
To talk about the Akwatia bye election for only 6 polling stations for which Baba Jamal had declared the Holy Jihad there as a no-go area for the opposition NPP, was as clear as broad daylight. Baba’s show of force as the then contesting NDC’s parliamentary candidate was plainly supported by Paul Quaye’s police personnel on duty. There has been any change for the better since then and continues to be worse off every other day. Fellow countrymen/ women, if you had been permanently resident in Ghana since January 7, 2009 to date, you need no rocket scientist (not even the most celebrated late Dr. Moustapha of the Neurology Department of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital) to work on your brain to know the answer because any policeman who dared sing praises in support of the NPP would be penalized with a transfer to the Bunkpurugu Yunyoo area to teach the one a lesson. All the cynical crimes committed by the Eric Opokus and the Kwabena Nyamekye Marfos from the Brong Ahafo Regional office vying for parliamentary slots; the Nii Lante Vanderpuyes of the Odododioodioo constituency fame or infamy; the Collins Daudas of the Ahafo Ano constituency biometric registration infamy, the Yamins of the private police recruitment in Ashanti to molest political opponents have passed without any arrest and/or prosecution. While the Atiwa bye election implicated the NDC national women organizer, Anita de Sosoo, Paul Quaye’s police never saw anything wrong to cause her arrest for a report to be made for running over some crowd and maiming a couple of them. Even though limbs were broken and others hospitalized, but Paul never was briefed nor informed about anything till today that you read this piece.
The latest indefensible person to join the chronology of events was the Yaw Boateng Djan’s voice recorded on tape case. No doubt the voice on tape clearly incriminates him and for which he cannot extricate himself nor absolve himself from blame and/or treasonable offence. This particular case of great magnitude, has no meaning in Paul’s nomenclature and daily schedule. As brilliant as he was in law, he still sees nothing wrong that has been blindly supported with impudence by the national security co-ordinator. If he persists to see nothing wrong, his 4-year mandate as the Inspector-General. would definitely go down in Ghana’s history as the top brass whose reign had the occupant’s hands strongly tied at the back by the government to behave abnormally and unprofessionally. Someone who has unconstitutionally recruited police/military personnel illegally with funding from the public purse by the ‘Yoomo be Ga’ Minister of Finance, Dr. ‘Abrantee’ Kwabena Dufuor to harass opponents before, during and after the election has passed the test of time without being brought to book by your administration. You could run away but not be able to hide, its clearly an indictment on your family and the indelible mark that would be visible cannot be erased. Ironically, to date, no Station Diary from any police post from the four corners of Ghana has bothered to forward this criminal act for his attention nor submitted information on it to his desk for further action. Incidentally, he rather found pleasure and delight to authorize the arrest and incarceration of Hon. Kennedy Agyapong and the little-fly-in-the-system, Ernest Owusu Bempah of Fonkar fame. Don’t you consider your actions and inactions as a top police officer of a country like Ghana as very shameful and disgraceful to your person and to international policing in general? In a nutshell, there were so many negative points and demerits that could be enumerated the most notable amongst them being the continued retention of the D.S.P. Hamza Yakubus and the Hamidus who have since retired but were still being propped up by you and asked to wear uniforms to work and to enjoy their emoluments/salaries as if they were not pensioners. Are these the only fine and brilliant officers who could be retained as against the backdrop of other colleagues? Your integrity should be maintained and considered as of paramount interest to save your reputation.
The intransigent nature and/or obstinate stance taken up by the incumbent Paul clearly amplifies the author’s axiom/theorem that he was bent on doing the dirty work for his paymaster – JM – to win by hook or crook the impending elections with or without foul means with his lieutenants the Police ‘Queen of Sheba’, DCOP Rose Bio Atenga and the Hamza Yakubus and the Hamidus providing fresh balls as ball boys from the touchlines when the one on the field of play was kicked out of play into the stands. If this trio ably ensures that the hatchet plan works to perfection and unconscionably supported on the flanks by another tribesman, DCOP Patrick Timbila, the Accra Regional Commander, and the over-aged Dr. Afari Djan, the Electoral Commissioner, now believed to be ?73, then, the saying that the sweetness of the pudding indeed, is in the eating, comes into play i.e. the Akan version nicely translated would then be – ‘na wode bankye abo nngo mu’ (hotly boiled cassava has always been a nice delicacy if it is eaten with palm oil).
The tenure of H.W.M. Bamford witnessed very tremendous, fantastic and very remarkable change(s) in the transformation of the service, as well as instilling strict discipline into the corporate body. The tenure of compatriots Nantonma Nanfuri and Tawia Quaye ensured that the police profession was jeopardised and turned upside down. If Peter’s shrewd administration was tainted with crude, cruel, wicked and unparalleled performance, then Paul’s tenure could equally be said to be smeared with the highest corruption index ever recorded. The unprintable as well as unthinkable allegiance to the government was unprecedented and their alliance with the party in power was unalloyed. Quite apart from the nasty incident of 1948 riots that history would never forgive and forget the British for killing and maiming some of our countrymen/women somehow, the Nanfuri’s Administration would, perhaps, go down in the annals of the country as the most notorious, dreadful and atrocious and naturally unprintable that could, without doubt, and most probably, be akin to the Dark Ages lifestyle. Life in Ghana under Nanfuri was entirely based on the survivor of the fittest. Left off the hook back home, the name Peter associated with the police sent bad and shrill signals to the entire citizenry as the most outstanding abnormal performance for atrocities, brutalities, unparalleled blood-thirsty and unprecedented blood-letting public institution that Ghana has ever had. The excesses were such that not many people would like to hear his name again for once. The mention of his name was not as easy like cutting cheese with hot knife. It wasn’t as easy as mentioning the name of Muamar Gaddafi of Libya or Gnassingbe Eyadema of Togo while in any of these two countries and getting away with it in freedom. You would be swiftly whisked away for chemical interrogations by the security personnel to the cells for indefinite incarceration. One had to be careful to look beyond his shoulders before talking; whether that remark was against the government or in favour of the government. Such was the man and how he administered his little police kingdom. Many people even thought he would like to die in the service just as greedy politicians did while in power, but, has sunk into the oblivion. but a more powerful system threw him out to the oblivion. His colleague critics could not have better described him as the IG whose official cap would not fit him correctly until after he had left them.


Coming to the turn of Paul Tawia Quaye, the late-comer (Paul ammma ntem, sene adikanfoo) i.e. (Paul, the late-comer of the apostles, showed his prowess to prove his ingenuity to be the prolific author of many books of the New Testament in the Bible), the least commented about his administration, the much better it would be for us all to have our perpetual peace. The rest belongs to history. You’d notice that his tenure has been embroiled in hooliganism, thuggery, intolerance et cetera. The service personnel be it male or female, have been fraught with connivance with drug barons to enrich themselves; to master the art of ensuring that cocaine turned to caustic soda. This and many more including personnel from the CID openly requesting bribes from persons wanting to bail suspects from the cells have been the specialty of the current administration. His administration could not easily boast of. anything better than being the bedmate of the Mills-Mahama government; his subordinate officers as special cadres who could best be described as the Zacchaeus of old. One really wonders why till now, he has not decided to dump the police garbs and put on the party paraphernalia to be at rally grounds with the NDC. The purported supply of arms to wrong-doers and criminals in society in return for their share of the booty has been very rampant and prevalent that it cannot be disputed. by Team Tawia Quaye. The indiscriminate use of weapons to humiliate harmless civilians, you name it, has been the daily routine schedule nationwide. by his men in uniform. Mr. Paul Quaye has allowed his outfit to be so easily infiltrated and conscientized by politicians to such an unimaginable level that the public has entirely lost confidence in the policeman. The kind of tutorials received by the incumbent from government has made the police intolerable without provocation. The partisan stake in the JM2 administration was unprecedented as compared to or with his Ghanaian predecessors.


The personnel from the crime units unashamedly request for bribes before they work and the least talked about their colleague prosecutors at the courts, the much better it would be. A similar peculiar incident happened in my presence at the Accra Central crime office one Saturday, September 8, where the station crime officer, whose name did not matter much to me but has the inscription ‘chief inspector’ at his door post, had tasked his subordinate detective officer, believed to be a corporal or at best a sergeant, to bargain with friends/relatives who had gone there to bail two suspects to pay Gh¢400.00. Do the police now levy charges/or fees before one could bail a suspect? The time was 16.58 hours G.M.T. Then again in my presence, one Wednesday, October 17, 2012, at Circuit Court 1 or 2 – Cocoa Affairs Division in Accra, one detective crime officer, believed to be in his late thirties and would either be a corporal or sergeant, was sighted openly bargaining with a certain woman (that I later learnt to be a widow) to give him and his colleague prosecutor some unearned GH¢400.00 to drop off a criminal case for which the complainant had written to the court to discontinue with it to settle amicably at home. Well, if their M.T.T.U. counter -parts would not stop their daily disgraceful act of collecting Cedi Gyatos from recalcitrant and offending motorists nicely concealed in vehicle documents, (mind you, they collect Gh¢5.00 or more nowadays depending on whether driver was for normal commercial passenger/cargo vehicle, private, sand and stone tipper truck or articulator truck) what do you expect them to do? How do you expect them to live and be able to cope with the unprecedented prevailing hardships? That was Paul’s police administration for you.


One was really at a loss as to whether the leadership was someone who was a legal luminary and indeed a holder of an Executive Master’s degree in Business Administration. I shudder to ask this and plead that readers would ask ‘Why the sudden record taking of police voters’ identity cards nationwide? Shameful and disgraceful, isn’t it? Readers should help the writer with a clue as to whether anybody would ever bequeath to, or leave his multi-million business entity into the hands of such an unprincipled person to manage for profits. Could it be a truism that he and his bunch of ‘yes sir, master’ team have been promised some higher or prestigious ambassadorial positions or perks on retirement to do the dirty work for the government of the day? Discerning minds cannot really fathom why he has chosen to stray from professionalism to doing politics.tread the path of unprofessionalism. The role he has played and continues to play simply shows open bias towards the opposition and common sense suggests that it was only absurdity that could lead persons to that level of conscience. It does not augur well for him to illustrate his position like the ostrich.


The writer would like to know whether DCOPs Agor and Kudalor were still at post as service persons or pensioners. How come that a pensioner who, sort of outlived his usefulness, should be tasked to recruit freshers and relegate the resourceful service personnel to the background? And if, indeed, Mr. Kudalor, who handled a case involving the author’s friend’s case as far back as 1988 supposedly was 38 years old with the rank of an ASP, then, what should be his age now to be still enjoying the freebies as Director-General of Operations? Do Ghanaians quite And to Hamza Yakubu, are you the only officer talented with expertise in the handling of armoured car to necessitate your retention, or some application of ethnicity was at play here? Students of statistics and calculus should come to my aid or failing which DNA test should be conducted to correct this anomaly and injustice. Do people remember the shameful scenario in respect of Prof. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng’s exit from the Korle Bu Hospital and authorized by Mr. Yieleh Chireh’s shameful act, then Minister of Health, catapulted the instantaneous, and automatic but quiet resignation of Mrs. Newman (wife of the Chief of Staff) who was also 4 years over aged) from the Ghana Medical School at Korle Bu. Which of the two was more disgraceful?
FOOD FOR THOUGHT – If the Deputy Minister S.O.A once had the guts and impudence to call the bluff of the Rawlingses to say they needed some psychiatric and diagnosis tests meaning, it was imperative a neurologist and psychiatric expert should work on their brains, and went away with it without a hoot, would he be prepared to be sued by the founder and wife for same remark now that he was also at the heels of Hon. Kennedy Agyapong in court for damages of Gh¢500m for defamation of character? I drop my case.

By:[email protected]

Note: The author is a student of research on contemporary Ghanaian History and stands for correction while the statement of facts enumerated in this context were not meant to impugn anybody’s integrity and credibility with all pleasure. Thank you. * * *