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Opinions of Monday, 21 July 2014

Columnist: Mensah, Richard Obeng

The One Cedi Policing In Ghana

Richard Obeng Mensah

Corruption is a mocker
Corruption is rude
Corruption steals, kills and destroys
Corruption usually uses established state institutions such as the Police Service to execute its vicious devices

Corruption usually uses money to achieve its goals
It uses money to weaken the strength of an established system
Corruption uses money to silence some eminent officials such as the police
It uses money to reduce the value of some police officers to bread
Corruption uses money to make some police officers forget their vital role

The primary role of the Ghana Police Service is to protect life and property
The service is for instance mandated to enforce road traffic regulations
Enforcing road traffic regulations secure life and property of the populace
Corruption is, however, silently making nonsense of this vital role
Corruption is using money to buy the loyalty and integrity of some police officers

Some police officers on the highways have giving in to corrupt tendencies
The value of some police officers patrolling the roads has been reduced to
just One Ghana Cedi
Road traffic offenders have learnt this language of corruption
Road traffic offenders know that once they are able to give One Ghana Cedi
to some police officers on the road their offences would be ignored
Life and property are being sacrificed for just One Ghana Cedi!