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Opinions of Thursday, 11 April 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Onus Lies with the Supreme Court

... to Prove Justice & Peace will Prevail

The Petitioners in the electoral violation suit pending before the Supreme Court of Ghana have expertly speedily fulfilled their part of the obligation to ensure justice is done, to guarantee the prevalence of peace in Ghana. Nana Akufo Addo, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey, the three caring wise men (you can call them the TRIO SAGE), had submitted the requested "further details and better particulars" to the Chair of the Electoral Commission, Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan and President John Dramani Mahama. They have also filed with the Supreme Court all the monumental incriminating evidential documents, proving beyond doubt and beyond the stretch of human imagination that there occurred astronomical irregularities, malpractices and fraud in violation of electoral statutes during election 7 & 8 December 2012.

When you are in the right, you fear no foe. When you are honest with yourself in every task you do, you speedily provide answers when asked to do so. When you are certain about the truthfulness of your claims, allegations and pronouncements, you quickly offer cogent explanations and credible documentations to buttress your contention when called upon to do so. These are exactly what the TRIO SAGE led by Nana Akufo Addo, an astute lawyer, and supported by Dr. Bawumia, an unmatchable Statistician and Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey, the orator, have done. Let me give them a pat on the back saying, Bravo the Trio Sage, for a job well done.

Now what are Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan, President John Mahama and the NDC doing or have done? They are just sitting on their arse scratching their palms and head hoping the Supreme Court will simply declare the case in their favour based on:

1. The Chairman of the Electoral Commission (Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan) had already declared then candidate Mahama the winner and hence, the President-elect

2. The Chief Justice Mrs Georgina Wood had already sworn in candidate John Mahama of the "Ebe dii bi keke" background as the President of Ghana

3. The world leaders with President Obama inclusive have recognised the validity of candidate Mahama's presidency

4. The International Observer Team led by the former Nigerian President, Alhaji Obasanjo has declared the elections were fair, free, and without violence hence 100% credible.

5. President Mahama has already appointed his Ministers and Deputy Ministers

6. President Mahama is warmly welcomed as the President of Ghana wherever he travels to, outside or inside Ghana

I can hardly understand this NDC bunch of ignoramuses. Have they not read, and do they not understand, the 1992 Constitution on which Ghana is run? Does the Constitution not stipulate clearly that any aggrieved party establishing or perceiving that electoral malpractices have taken place during an election can petition the court to investigate and declare her verdict? Do they not know that to induce a person with money to get their votes, when that act is established to have taken place is a violation of a Constitutional clause on election? Do I have to spoon-feed the NDC people quoting the clause? No, I won't else they will forever remain ignorant wallowing in utter stupidity and cheap politicking. Go and do a research or print a copy of the Ghana 1992 Constitution off the internet to check the veracity of my assertion.

The TRIO SAGE are not even considering the vote buying but the unsigned pink sheets, over-votes, under-votes and massaged election results , thus, the figures in favour of then candidate John Dramani Mahama, alias President "Ebe dii bi Keke". All these are irregularities that amount to STATUTORY violations, exactly what the Supreme Court is investigating.

When such instances of statutory violations are established, then the court will proceed to check how they did affect the overall election results and the subsequent declaration of the winner. If found to have had any immense affect that can tip the balance in favour of the petitioners, or ask for a run off between Nana Akufo Addo and President Mahama where none would have got 50% + 1 vote as required to be declared the winner, when the violations are addressed, the Supreme Court will declare so without fear or favour. If no violations are established or the discovered violations insignificant to tip the balance in any of the ways stated above, then President Mahama will continue with his job..

I hope the Supreme Court Justices sitting on the case are not going to exercise any discretion of the sort of, "We have although established irregularities so gargantuan enough to cost John Mahama the presidency, for the fact that he has been sworn in, recognised by foreign presidents and governments, he is to stay in power" Any such preposterous discretionary method, will be vehemently resisted by Rockson, that wise man from Kumaw/Asiampa. I will only accept a declaration of verdict based on the truly-to-be established or discovered results with or without acts of electoral irregularities, malpractices or fraud that constitute statutory violation.

This is the more reason why the Supreme Court could have done themselves justice if they had allowed the proceedings to be telecast live for the world audience to watch and be judges unto themselves. The NDC are adamant to stay in power regardless of the outcome of the case as to be pronounced by the court. They are hoping and counting on their nonsensical six-point view as enumerated above. Should the court uphold the NDC view whilst they remain mired in their obstinacy, stupidity and illogical reasoning as CLIMBs as they are, then Ghana will go up in flames, I am afraid. Nevertheless, we shall avoid that by the design of GOD who has selected NANA AKUFO ADDO to liberate Ghanaians from their modern day slavery under the hands of President Mahama and the NDC.

I refer the Supreme Court judges to an article I published on Ghanaweb, and under Feature Articles of Monday, 1 April 2013 titled, "Could the Supreme Court Judges be as Wise as King Solomon?" Anyone reading that article will be able to tell how things should go, by the grace and power of GOD.

The TRIO SAGE will prove their case. It is up to the Supreme Court to live above reproach to ensure justice is established for Peace to prevail. Therefore, the burden of proving who won the election 2012 presidential slot and ensuring peace prevails in Ghana lies with the Supreme Court.

To read that article, simply click on my name above on your right hand side of this article. It will take you to most of my published articles. Then search for the mentioned title to read.

NPP faithful are to remain RESOLUTE as advised by GOD through KOFI BASOAH. Victory is ours!

Maakyeooo. Yaaaa Makhama.

Rockson Adofo