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Opinions of Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Columnist: Otokunor, Boamah Peter

The Paradox Of The “Transition Tea Party”

The NPP MP’s must be serious!!

The greatest height of hypocrisy in Ghanaian politics was articulated by the NPP minority in Parliament on Wednesday, 17th June, 2009, when they broke into a state of demagogue, upon hearing that GH¢ 361,924 was used for the transition process. Their behavior became explicitly infantile and rather disappointing when they threw the house in to a state of quagmire upon hearing that GH¢ 135, 316.30 was used for refreshment.

Like the ignorance wasn’t enough, on Thursday, 18th June various pro-NPP media houses like the Crusading Guide, Daily Guide and so on, carried the story with different captions which sought to suggest that GH¢ 361,921 was used for tea. Some radio stations including Peace fm, Oman fm and the rest also emphasized these stories with impunity making it gain more importance to their innocent but gullible listeners.

Fellow countrymen, lets discern into the facts behind GH¢ 361,924 expenditure; the Chairman, Mr. P.V Obeng took GH¢ 2,250; two supporting staff at GH¢ 1,800 each (GH¢ 3,600); seven sub-committee chairmen at GH¢ 1,800 each (GH¢ 12,600) and 141 members at GH¢ 1,350 each (GH¢ 190,350) bringing the total amount to GH¢ 208, 800 for 10wks (2.5mths) of transition work. Assuming any of the members were doing their various jobs obviously they would have been earning more than what they took. Contrary to their assertions, in 2001 they took allowances which were extortive and very exploitative than this. The cacophony of this expenditure being too much for a lean government is utterly absurd, especially when the expenditure was 20% less than budgeted. The fact that the NDC profess cutting down expenditures, doesn’t mean it should even be done at the expense of expediency.

The issue about the GH¢ 135, 316.30 tea party as acclaimed by the opposition NPP and their allies is absolutely preposterous and unimaginable, for such people who claim to be well educated. I guess this should have been left for the NPP propagandist and serial callers who most at times don’t have clear understanding of the issues.

Fellow Ghanaians, how much does any ordinary worker spend a day on breakfast and lunch? The average Ghanaian spends at least GH¢ 2.00 on breakfast and GH¢ 7.00 on lunch, not to mention water especially if he/she drinks bottled water which cost GH¢ 1.00 a liter bringing it to a total daily expenditure of GH¢ 10.00.

Having said that, if about 151 members in the committee worked full day for about 2.5 months (74 days) and accrue a refreshment expenditure of GH¢ 135,316.30 spent on lunch, snacks, tea, breakfast and water. Simple arithmetic will prove that every single member was being refreshed to the tune of about GH¢ 12.11, this is on the assumption that no security men, press men, volunteers and invitees were refreshed. Meaning the amount expended per head was even less than GH¢ 8. Fellow countrymen, is this expenditure not unprecedented? The NPP’s classification of this as profligate spending is completely unfounded and absolutely inscrutable. How much does government spend on the lunch breaks for parliamentarian per sitting? The minority in parliament should know better and be candid with Ghanaians in their doings; they shouldn’t think Ghanaians are a bunch of gullible people who don’t know their right from their left. To be emphatic, that the parliamentarians spend much more on lunch breaks than GH¢ 12.11.

Some arguments made by John Boadu on Peace fm last Friday, the 19th of June sought to suggest that, the transition was an NDC victory tea party, organized for party members from Odododiodoo, Choko and so on. This is very insulting and derogatory to the very existence of the NDC members in these areas. John Boadu and his NPP should be glad and thank their stars that the anger of Ghanaians didn’t degenerate into a revolt, after they openly dipped their hands into public funds; this could have swept most of them including him and their parliamentarians who are now making noise.

Ghanaians have read between the lines and come to a realization that, this euphony by the NPP is a deliberate attempt to deceive and divert the minds of discerning Ghanaians from the rot they left behind and keep us in oblivion.

They have failed by all standards, because we would not allow them to throw dust into the eyes of the innocent populace of this country. In any case, history is the audacity of hope and for that matter it is important we look at the past, however for the 2001 transition expenditure the least said about it the better. Yet, they tell Ghanaians that it was the main reason they lost the election, thus we should fix it. Indeed we will fix it that is the main reason we ought to put it in the public domain, so that the public can set the standards for measuring our performance.

The advice to the NPP is that, they should desist from lying because lying took them to opposition and their continuous involvement in such acts will keep them in opposition forever.

Long live right thinkers!! Long live the NDC!!! Long live Ghana!!!!!

OTOKUNOR BOAMAH PETER (VANDAL BOLA) NDC Youth Activist [email protected]