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Opinions of Thursday, 20 February 2014

Columnist: Amoako, H. F.

The Parasitic Feeding Frenzy of the Corrupt

Our attention has been drawn on the recent comments made by the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress, Johnson Aseidu Nketiah, in his reaction to a statement made by the National Chairman of the National Democratic Party in Kumasi on the 15th of February 2014 at its Ashanti Regional Conference.

The General Secretary of the NDC Party Johnson Asiedu Nketiah in his statement sought to level serious allegation on the person of Dr. Josiah Aryeh which we finddefamatory and an assassination of character.

As a political Party, we believe in freedom of speech which is a fundamental right of every citizen of Ghana, hence, one can chose to disagree with an opinion on national issues and problems confronting our nation. Voicing an opinion is also necessary in our political discourse.

Ghana’s current political situation under the NDC is seriously driving this country in a pit of despondency due to poor leadership and lack of vision. Corruption and state sponsored looting by government officials and their cronies, is leaving the ordinary Ghanaian in absurd poverty.

Why is Asiedu Nketsiah so terrified of a political opinion expressed calmly without violence? What has he to hide? Is he merely holding a fig-leaf for government. The current rot of corruption is so overwhelming that we would not be surprised by an unprecedented call for a thorough audit of all spheres of government to reveal the sources of the stink. We can no longer hold our noses. We believe Ghanaians do not need a soothsayer to tell us that our dear country is manager-less, leaderless and in a state of deep economic crisis.

Over the past few years we have seen corrupt politicians rise from depths of improvidence to glittering and unaccountable affluence, often by sudden flight from days of student hardship to lofty ministerial positions without any work records. We have also witnessed down and out politicians re-invent themselves as implacable and unconscientious defenders of wrongful deeds in high places. We also see them, when attacked, collectively sing from the same hymn-sheetdefiantly glorifying unaccountability, absence of due process and flauntingmere allegations against adversaries as proof of their own innocence.

The National Democratic Party is the party that believes in the true ideals of probity accountability and social justice as the right ingredients to save and rescue this country from the helpless situation the country finds itself.

We therefore call on the entire nation to reflect and exercise patience for there are better days ahead with the NDP. The problem of corruption must be taken by the scruff of the neck and dealt with head-on. Rot and those who benefit from State corruption will not go away unless we take deliberate steps to stop their parasitic feeding frenzy. The impunity must stop.