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Opinions of Thursday, 5 May 2022

Columnist: Micheal Yiran

The 'Parental Right' Bill and the brouhaha; A lesson to learn

Countries across the globe draws inspirations or look up to Americans Countries across the globe draws inspirations or look up to Americans

The foundation and the principles upon which the State of America was established include the fundamental human right, which is an inalienable right and enshrined in American Constitution.

Countries across the globe draw inspiration or look up to Americans not just because of their infrastructural development, their GDP, or their Per Capital Income but rather on their human rights Index which includes the protection of human rights in exercising once freedom of speech and the rights to choose once the choice of sex or worship.

I often argue, that what makes America stands tall in the midst of their equal developed or advanced countries has to do with their strong attitude and belief when it comes to human right and the exercise of a constitutional right.

Countries like Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Emirates, and even China have equal infrastructural development to America and even the likes of Dubai which is the hub of Skype buildings than America but the differential facto is America's belief in human freedom and justice which is more cherishable than anything worth mentioning than anything on this planet.

The questions are sought to ask and solicit a decent contribution both likewise and unlike wise views on this article of mine is why America the beacon of modern democracy would like to pass or impose a self-inflicting bill the 'Parental Right 'bill on themselves or their community?

'Parental Right' or "Don't Say Gay" bill, a proposed bill across thirty-five (35) States within America intended to ban sex education within elementary schools usually kids between 5 to 9 not being exposed to sexual identity and other sex-related topics.

This bill on paper looks splendid but when passed into law and when fully operationalise looks more complicated and difficult, in a sense that miscreants and hoodlums can commit various degrees of harm or suicidal crimes and hide on the back cover of such laws to seek for shelter.

Laws of this magnitude pave the ways for individuals or gangs to seek revenge or self-motivated reasonings which includes blackmailing a target group of people for financial gains and this is a form of kidnapping syndicates deployed in countries where LBGTQ is not entertained.

As a social advocate by convictions, who had openly supported and wrote articles on the need to allow all individual to exercise their inalienable right which includes the right to sex within Ghana, Africa, and by extension America and the rest of the continent to uphold this right and to protect the LGBTQ community because the outcome of passing open law to ban this right or community is more consequential or bad as compared to gains that might be derived from passing such laws.

I will advise the state of America, especially states such as Florida, Indiana, Georgia, and the rest of the states in which this bill is proposed to triad with conscious not to be rash in passing the 'Parental Right' law but rather open for wider consultation, including where these rights do not allow especially those who protect the right of this community and consequences they are facing in addressing the excess that comes with it and the way forward.

With my little knowledge about foreign politics, especially American politics which I as a person and political animal just remember my political Juegos love and cherish much when reading political science in my first degree at UG (University of Ghana) was America has 'Interest Alliances' and not 'permanent friends' and also when it comes to protecting the rights of their citizens, irrespective of the economic group a citizens belongs which is less seen in other parts of the continent, especially in Africa the rich class is always protected by the law of the state on the expense of the poor class.

America, for my first time in observing their politics from afar, had seen a sharply stand between the two main political parties that are the incumbent political party, the Democrats, and the biggest opposition party the Republicans whiles Democrats are against the bill/Parental Right' bill the Republicans on the hand are in support to the passage of the bill.

This argument has culminated in some well-established American media houses depending on which political party one belongs to, and the ideology and belief one possesses.

A recent banter between ESPN and Daily wire in which ESPN in most of their programs they officiate had to call for a minute of silence in supportive of the right of the LGBTQ community in the wake up to the proposal of the ‘Parental Right' bill intended to pass to become a law whilst the Daily wire media House which is seen as more Conservative media House are in supportive of the passage of the law.

I am of the view this argument or banter between these two major political parties and the media houses have defeated the Stance which most people including those of us from Africa perceive America to be when it comes to human rights Advocacy and l think America as a nation had to come together to address this issue more holistically than what is happening with regards to the passage of the Parental Right Bill intended to pass in some states within America.

In my conclusive remarks, I will urge the American people as a beacon of democracy to have a second look at the passage of the 'Parental Right' bill and go back to the human rights chatter of which they, that is America had played a vital and a leading role in drafting and implementing such laws which is a whole spectrum of human right and to borrow Disney words " our right is from God and not of any political class".