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Opinions of Friday, 23 September 2011

Columnist: GNA

"The Power of an African Smile"

(A GNA Feature by Anthony Bells Kafui K= anyi)

Ho, Sept. 23, GNA - Smiling is a cross-cultural language that means a lot to the African. It is magical 96 the only language understood not by Africans alone but by humanity at large.

In particular, it comes natural to the African and does a lot of magic and healing. For some, a smile means acceptance, love, agreement etc., its meaning usually depends on the circumstance and occasion. It costs nothing, but is worth a lot.

While in some parts of the world people smile when they are confused o= r angry and others reserve smiles for close friends and family members, Africans share freely and enjoy smiles with everyone including strangers. The African child actually does two things as soon as he or she is given birth to - cries and smiles. Any new-born baby who fails to do either of the above or both is deemed unhealthy. Adults who fail to return a smile or smile when they are not supposed to, are also considered social misfits and punished in some traditional set-ups.

Smiles are important tools for chiefs and clan heads. They use them in resolving disputes. It is thus known in some circles as a master peace-broker. After resolving disputes with talks, chiefs and traditional authorities normally ask the disputing factions to shake hands and smile to each other. As soon as this is done, it is believed that all hearts will begin to heal naturally, though slowly, leading to a peaceful resolution of the dispute.

In some cultures, smiles precede greetings and the depth of a smile tells how much one is welcomed into a house. Perhaps this kind of hearty smile is why Ghanaians are said to be very hospitable. Raffaela, an Italian friend once said Ghanaians are noted for warm peaceful smiles - 93they are always smiling whether sad, happy or hungry a= nd their smiles give hope," she said.

But Ghanaians are not the only Africans who wear smiling faces and relate well to visitors. This writer was nearly embarrassed by the welcomin= g smiles in South Africa and the Republic of Togo when he visited the two countries recently. My clothes gave me up as a fresh man in town and almost all faces that my eyes caught gave me smiles. Some of the smiles were so broad that I often looked back to find out if there was anyone behind me, only to notice that those smiles were free gifts meant for me. On a few occasions I double-checked myself to be sure there was nothing laughable about me and later got convinced I was only enjoying the rich culture of th= e people. For Sevaga, a fishing community in the Republic of Togo, a stranger could easily be offended by the smiles. Every person, young and old, understands one thing - smiling and greeting. For them, these are valued ways of life, an important aspect of the African culture and nothing can stop them from smiling countless times in a day to people they come across. Ataga Yao, 62, Chief Fisherman in that densely populated fishing community said it is believed culturally that a good smile has magical powers that can neutralize any evil plan from the person being smiled to.

Giving a smile might seem so simple but required some art if one wants to communicate suitably. In many traditional set ups, children are taught o= r guided to smile in a particular way that is appealing to all. Some children get scolded for smiling in perceived unacceptable manner and situations. Medical practitioners say smiling helps the body to function better. They say it boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, releases endorphins - natural pain killers and makes one look very young and attractive.

In Ghana and most African countries people who visit the sick do so with traces of smiles on their faces even if they are not happy about the sick person's response to treatment. Some even force the sick person to smile so he or she could take the mind off the sickness momentarily. All these are to convince the visitors that the sick person is responding to treatment.

Karen Callahan, an American Psychiatrist says 93smiling is a univers= al law which is a form of appreciation for life's little things and wondrous moments. It is also one of the easiest ways to share with others and that giving to others always creates a positive chain reaction." Another American, Socorro Lawas, a Psychologist says 93I smile when I= 'm defeated after a game. It makes me say to myself, 91better luck next time= '. For Lawas, 93A smile is a vital mark of a good loser: it's harder to l= ose than to win, but when I smile it's a win-win proposal for both parties that lost and won..., a smile mends a broken heart; it is a ray of hope bursting from dark clouds. Even a baby smiles in sleep to give us joy. Angels also smile their heavenly smile which they borrow from God." One major group of people who use the power of smile in Africa is peopl= e in the informal sector, especially traders and people in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. You cannot survive in this business if you don't have the skill of displaying 91sweet' smiles. Even school children in lower prima= ry who help their parents during holidays to sell petty commodities know how t= o attract customers with a 91Duchene smile'.

In Lome, the Capital of the Republic of Togo, many traders including people in the transport business use smiles to attract clients and increase interpersonal cooperation for increased earnings.

Middle-aged women with beautiful cloths around their waists at Atikpodzi in Lome normally combine enticing strut, 91sweet talk' and smi= ling skills to hypnotize one into buying their goods only to realize later that one did not actually need those goods.

It is not for nothing that most African women spend several hours in the market. Many of them get confused by the numerous smiles calling for their attention. I remember I once accompanied my mother to the market and I vowed neve= r to go shopping in a market with a woman. They will roam the whole market an= d sometimes finally settle for the goods at the market gate. An attempt to get a nice Kente cloth for a high profile function in my community recently took me a whole week.

I could hardly tell which of the smiles from the dealers was genuine until an old friend helped me out. What was confusing was that all weavers wore smiling faces as they drew the fly shuttle and opened the shed at the loom. The same thing happens at the carpentry, hairdressing and batik/tie and dye workshops. Our entrepreneurs are simply ingenious. From cottage industries to retail outlets, smiling plays important roles for the African entrepreneur.

These days, some young African guys are employing the skill to woo girls. One of the tricks is to give a broad smile to a girl walking towards you while maintaining an eye contact. 93It works more than magic", confe= sses Romeo Agbleze, a Police Officer.

John Dzotsi, an auto-mechanic says a 91good' smile from the right corner of his mouth did the magic of re-uniting him and Philomena, his girlfriend.

Many lovers do have special kinds of smiles they exchange, suggesting ho= w the night will be spent and there are special early morning smiles lovers share to congratulate each other for having had a memorable night. These kinds of smiles are said to be deeper than kisses and communicate important messages direct to the soul. As a child growing up, and a naughty one too, I observed that my father found it very difficult ignoring a particular smile from my mother. I believe on a few occasions, my mother used those appealing smiles to save m= e from scolding from my father anytime I went wrong.

That smile from my mother, which swallowed the eyeballs, spread throughout her face and showed only her two front teeth normally, made my father sober, he (my father) confessed to me just before I got married. I don't know how my wife interprets my smiles but I know I receive =91good rewards', including sumptuous meals and other romantic rewards in return. Smiles, generally establish good rapport and harmony in Africa, hence many people smile even if they are hungry and this must not be abused. It is the commonest language on the continent, an important uniting feature that makes Africans very unique.

It establishes trust, confidence and friendship. It is a simple and easy language that can be understood by all, so always keep a smiling face with the knowledge that it is much easier to smile than frown.