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Opinions of Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Columnist: Alugnoa, Desmond Nsobila

The Pragmatic Quiz; A Call For Action.

Education is given in totality; therefore it must entail learning through training and
problem solving, considering language and effective public speaking skills and above all
behaviour in the direction of care and share. Ghanaian education has since not created
enough avenues for children to fully practice these model. There are limited activities
that aid pupil to gain exposure and self-confidence, such as speak and prize giving days,
quizzes and debates are not common among public basic schools. Thus the curriculum
does not have adequate platforms for self-discovery.
Poor level of integration among basic schools in Ghana is another setback; Apart from interschool sporting
activities, there are no general educational activities that bring together basic schools on
the same platform to compete among themselves
The pragmatic quiz is a quiz program designed to improve participant’s performance in
the following subject areas, mathematics, English, Science, ICT and Citizenship education.
the programme provides a more sustainable plat form of building knowledge and
increasing levels of enlightenment among young people at the basic levels of education
in Ghana and above all make them familiarise themselves with all topics necessary for
progress in their academic life. Passionate of making a change, we bring the pupil from rural schools to contest with their colleagues from the cities to help equip them for the Basic Education Certificate Examination.
With Citizenship ship education; I believe that the quality of the Ghanaian citizen is
mainly depended on knowing the rights and responsibilities of the individual and making
them part of that individual’s life. Young people have a remarkable ability of adapting to what
they are being taught and making it part of their lives at the playgrounds, class rooms
and even at home. This means that teaching the child to understand the constitution of
Ghana would improve on the knowledge of the rule of law and this will help us build a
society of devoted and patriotic citizens.
English language, mathematics and integrated science are the key subjects that form the
foundation of secondary education and hence there is the need to make the people
understand very well these subjects before they enter senior high school, which is what the quiz programme is focused on.
In this programme, we create scenarios which make the children argue among
themselves and come to a logical conclusion with this they hardly forget what they learnt. Our hope is that, Ghanaians and non-citizens who are willing to cause a change in the future of children will join us in this quest.
Alugnoa, Desmond Nsobila
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