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Opinions of Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Columnist: Evans Amoo

The President has failed in his quest to protect the public purse

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

President Akuffo Addo rides on the mantra of protecting the public purse; he accuses his predecessors of inflating contract sum, misappropriation and application of resource when he embarks on massive infrastructure development.

He further criticizes them that we don’t eat roads in a country like ours where infrastructure deficit is beyond imaginable, but this government has woefully failed in application of the limited resource in the areas that will yield direct impact on the economy and improve the well-being of the people.

This administration has drained the public purse through misappropriation and application of resources and has refused to apply resources in areas which need immediate attention. An economy which was self-finance in 2016 now rely heavily on loans in 2021 to finance its major infrastructural project.

Recent event that shows government's determination to use diabolic means of stealing from the state is clearly demonstrated in the areas he applies his resources thus making him lose touch with the economic reality of the country and profusely applying resource unnecessarily; a typical example is the green Ghana project budget of 125million.

I must admit that deforestation has direct impact in the depilation of the ozone layer therefore the need to plant trees to prevent draught. But using it as a conduit to steal state resources is unacceptable.

It is important the government prioritizes his activities considering the huge financial burden with limited resources.

What immediately comes to mind is the free S.H.S which continue to suffer from inadequate accommodation, yet the government chooses to spend 125 million on tree planting, a project which can be carried out without spending that huge sum of money.

Whiles Ghanaian health system suffer massive deficit in infrastructure and logistical deficit, it has found favor with the president to spend about 2.8 million to rent a plane to go and beg for debt forgiveness whiles state rest unattended to.

Corruption has sunk to the moral fabric of this administration to the extent that COVID with its devastating effect on human society, which has brought to their kneels the most established economics, government and its agency find it prudent to inflate prices of the covid vaccine from $10 to $19; that is ridiculous.

'Backbone of Good Governance' condemns the act of corruption on covid vaccine contract and the woefully misappropriation of resources and hence call on government to show commitment to the fight against corruption and his determination to protect the public purse.

We demand the government to also make public comprehensive cost analysis that recommend the ministry of natural resource to spend the 125million on tree planting.

We further call on government to make public auditors report on the project expenditure.

As a matter of urgency we call on the Inspector General of Police through the criminal investigation department to initiate investigation into the covid vaccine saga and bring perpetrators to book to deter others from doing same.