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Opinions of Friday, 31 October 2014

Columnist: Adzokpe, Jonathan

The Realities of Life After School

Five Reasons Why You NEED To Read The Realities of Life After School

There are millions of books written annually. That makes some thousands of book daily. While some books make for an okay read, others make a good read. While some books could do for a single read, others must be read and read, not only for the information they share, but the transformative knowledge they pass on to the reader which adds them to the reader's "Need-to-read" list. The Realities of Life After School, a book authored by Jonathan Adzokpe, is one of those "need-to-read" books, especially for students and graduates. Here are five reasons why the book is a must-read...

1. It's written in simple, everyday English which makes it easy to comprehend no matter your level of education. The best way to communicate isn't the use of "big" words, but the ability to be clear, and comprehensible. How annoying will it be to take a book and have to look up for new words on every page you turn to? Of course, we read to increase our vocabulary. But reading becomes boring when the essential message is hidden behind "big" words. For The Realities of Life After School, no matter what level of education you are, it is a book you will read, understand, and feel engaged. It's not magic. It's the simplicity, and clarity that makes it a must-read.

The style of simplicity and clarity makes the message stand out. The use of everyday English, interfaced with everyday and street-side experiences that have been shared in the book have made many readers to describe the book as being "engaging." It is a sure read for you, if you're yet to get one.

2. It has the tools, principles, and real life stories to transition students and graduates from the classroom to the real world Now, I am sure when you were admitted to the tertiary level of education, you were made to undergo an orientation where you were taken through how your institution operates, how to make good grades, how to live a balanced life in school, etc. However, you might never have been taken through any form of programme, whatsoever, to give you a snapshot of what to expect in life after school. Were you taught how to deal with issues relating to unemployment after school? Or, how to deal with failure on the job, in marriage, etc.? I never got the opportunity to be taught such.

But, those days are over! Here's a book that's written based on the experiences of the author, and several other people who the author had met at different stages of his life. From these experiences, he draws principles, tools, and real-life stories that do not only arm readers with knowledge to help them transition from school to life, but relate well with them and their situation. In one sentence, The Realities of Life After School is here to bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world! 3. It addresses the challenges that African students and graduates face from an African perspective Many books that litter the shelves of many enthusiastic Ghanaian readers are mostly foreign authored books. These are books normally written by American authors who have little or no exposure to Africa, and the issues that pertain to the African. Most of these books are never written with the African in mind. While principles are principles, and that no matter who or where these books are written, they could be applied elsewhere, the fact remains that the African is faced by peculiar issues which ought to be addressed by people who have immense understanding of the issues. Amazingly, many people have read these foreign authored books without any significant change in their lives. The number one reason that jumps to mind is the "irrelevance" that these foreign authored books have, regarding the peculiar challenges these African readers face. If you need to read a book for knowledge on how to tackle the issues Africans face, it should be a book written by someone who comprehends the challenges of the African well. The Realities of Life After School is written by a gentleman who's invested time to understand the peculiar issues that African students and graduates face, especially after school. What are the challenges that you face after school? Unemployment? Under-employment? Family financial pressure? This book has answers for you. It has stories of everyday people who you will surely connect with, and from whom you can learn how to turn very sour situations after school, into major comebacks. 4. The book is touching lives. The feedback is incredible There's no author who's ever written a book and made negative comments of the book. However, those who have the best, and perhaps, final say, of the relevance of the book, are the readers. The Realities of Life After School has incredible feedback from its enthusiastic readers on how the book has helped them in diverse ways, regarding their lives after school. With such feedback, it goes without saying that you need a copy to attest to the book's relevance, too. 5. It is the student/graduate's sure guide to a successful life after school Yes, you might have known someone who's come out of school, struggled, and became successful. But the question is, how many are those "lucky" ones? Just a few! And even if they are so much, they must have learnt so much in their journey to where they are, right now. How about a book that will help you shorten your learning curve, and to serve as your guide to living a successful life after school? Take action now! Get your copy of The Realities of Life After School if you're yet to grab one. The book covers a wide subject area including, all the processes you need to go through to study abroad, how to finance your further studies; writing a winning CV, interview skills that will win you the job, getting promoted on the job, dealing with difficult bosses; personal finance, dealing with family financial pressure, etc. Kindly call +233 244 962 930 for your copies. You can also purchase your Kindle version on Amazon by following this link . . .