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Opinions of Friday, 22 June 2012

Columnist: Kumi, Obed

The Remaking of the Union We Love – NUGS

(Article by: Obed Kumi)

It’s a fact of life that the National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) has had its reputation sunken as a result of myriad of activities and inactions on the part of succeeding generations.

Today the mess is huge and beyond recognition.

There are two claimants to the NUGS Presidency seat and this has created an uneven situation for our Union. The scariest situation is that some media houses have jumped into the fray and contributing their quota to the dismembering of the Union we love. Today, and on Saturday, 23 June, 2012 the Union would be writing history in the hearts of Ghanaian history books. The day will witness the moment when conscience and reason will prevail in the Ghanaian leadership front. The day when the two factions will be uniting their difficulties and shared vision for the supreme interest of Ghanaian students We have a rich history of excellent leadership role played in this country and we must be committed to maintaining this hard earned legacy bequeathed to us by our forebears with our prayers, fortitude, commitment, brotherliness, love and hope.

To win the future for the coming generations, we have to out-improve; out-think; and out-manage our image in the comity of student organizations in the continent. The time is now ripe to do what is right now!!

Our Union deserves your love and commitment. Let’s pledge to remake NUGS and restructure our ranks Now or Never!!

Stand up to be counted Now!

This is our re-ignition moment. Re-igniting NUGS Now!

Long Live NUGS Long Live Ghana