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Opinions of Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Columnist: Ayekpah, Solomon Tetteh

The Report Of Assault On Me.

Great Commission Church Int.
C/o Box as 415
Ashaiman Ghana

The News Editor Mr. Cletus Abaare
Cry Stallens News Paper
P.o.Box KN 2608

Dear Editor,

The Report Of Assault On Me.

Please, I am with many pains all over my body as I write to you this report which I had copies sent to all radio stations in Time and ashaiman yet nothing had be done.
Please, kindly permit a space in your highly esteemed newspaper for what people, radio stations and Tema Maheam Police Station are doing to make our Dear Country Ghana a WAR COUNTRY EVEN BEFORE ELECTION. The report is as follows:
My name is Solomon Tetteh Ayekpah (solo susu –tse), 37 years old and I am living in Tema New Town Abounkor Down after Adom Pure Water Company .On Tuesday, 26/6/12 at about 1:35 P.M an N.P.P MAN Named KOFI BRAKO who want to be an M.P for Tema East Constituency on ticket of N.P. P Came to my house whiles I was standing on the Gutter beside my Office and want to shack hand with me which I refused. With this Mr. KOFI BRAKO’s follower said to me” who are you“? I replied I am a Ghanaian, again he Said” you the strangers too, when you wake up then you started raising yourselves here too I said to them i am not a citizen by birth but Full and completed citizen of Ghana my land and soil in which I came from and also he said you are stranger in Tema and I also said no I am not because I am GA-ADAMGE after all these when they left with the reporters whiles I was standing on the same place (on Gutter) I saw the Assemblyman for Harbor Electoral Area by Name Mr. Dakei and Mr. KOFI BRAKO who Called one of the Matsu man after a brief time with them then the Matsu man Came and SLAPPED ME for not Shacking Hand with Mr. KOFI BRAKO (K.B) as they called him and said no police in the Tema Cam get Them arrested. This case has witness. I want your Highly esteem station to do whatever you can by LAW to get them arrested and if possible prevented Mr. Kofi Brako and his followers from repeating the same act .BECOUSE NEXT TIME MAY NOT BE THE SAME AS THIS. The police is not doing their best because asked that, the assembly man involve must be arrest as suspect to get the Matsu man since he ordered him to SLAPPED ME. The police refused to do that because the assemble man’s wife is CID in that station.

Dated on Tuesday, 26/6/12. At about 8:30 P.M.
My Contacts: 307034364 / 026666076 / 0249666076.