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Opinions of Sunday, 7 December 2014

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede

The Role of the CHRAJ

According to Ghana Anti- Corruption - building Partnership to fight corruption
The role of CHRAJ is as follows

Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ)
The Parliament of the Republic of Ghana in accordance with the provisions of the Fourth Republican Constitution in October 1993 enacted the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice Act (Act 456), to establish the Commission.
The commission seeks to foster a culture of respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms, as well as administrative justice and fairness in Ghanaian society. The commission also exist to promote integrity and decency in Ghanaian public life by investigating corruption and educating the public about its high costs and, conversely, the significant pay-offs of a relatively corrupt free society.
Section 7(10)(a)-(h) of the Commission’s enabling statute Act 456 spells out the functions of the Commission as follows:
1. Investigate complaints of violations of fundamental rights and freedoms, injustice, corruption, abuse of power and unfair treatment of any person by public officer in the exercise of his official duties;
2. Investigate complaints concerning the functioning of the Public Services Commission, the administrative Organs of the State, the Armed Forces, the Police Service in so far as complaints relate to the failure to achieve a balanced structuring of those services or equal access by all to the recruitment of those services or fair administration in relation to those services;

3. Investigate complaints concerning practices and actions by persons, private enterprises and other institutions where those complaints allege violations of fundamental rights and freedoms under this constitution;

4. Investigate allegations that a public officer has contravened or has not complied with a provision of the Code of Conduct for Public Officers. The Code requires that public officers shall

5. Declare their assets and liabilities on assumption of office, every four years, and on leaving office;
6. Investigate all instances of alleged or suspected corruption and the misappropriation of public moneys by officials and to take appropriate steps, including reports to the Attorney-General and the Auditor General, results from such investigations;
7. Educate the public as to human rights and freedom by such means as the Commissioner may decide, including publications, lectures and symposia;
8. Investigate confiscation of property made by the two previous military regimes, the Armed forces Revolutionary Council and the Provisional National Defence;
9. Report annually to Parliament on the performance of its functions.
Let’s reflect on article 6 of the role of CHRAJ which states “ Investigate all instances of alleged or suspected corruption and the misappropriation of public moneys by officials and to take appropriate steps, including reports to the Attorney-General and the Auditor General, results from such investigations”.
Now the general public should tell me - is this currently happening in Ghana?
If the answer is No then collectively we have a responsibility to hold the CHRAJ boss to account in front of Parliament for failing to address corruption issues and abuse of power.