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Opinions of Friday, 8 July 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Sacking of the headmaster of Kumawu Tweneboa Kodua SHS

..Reveals the Evil Intentions of Charlotte Osei

The Headmaster of Kumawu Tweneboa Kodua Senior High School, Mr Nanantwi, is understood to have been relieved of his duties as the Headmaster of the school about a month ago.

His sacking, like a ticking time-bomb, was expected to happen; however, how it happened is what I have a concern about.

I had previously highlighted the shortcomings of the Headmaster in my publications and subsequently requested for him to be investigated by the education authorities.

However, the basic reason adduced for his expulsion from his post does not sit well with me. He has been sacked for his presumed political affiliation.

One Fuseini Donkor, the District Chief Executive (DCE) for Drobonso-Afram Plains Constituency is understood to have teamed up with some of the NDC executives and members in both Kumawu and Drobonso-Afram Plains constituencies to instigate the sacking of the headmaster.

Fuseini Donkor wrote a letter to the NDC Regional Office complaining about the headmaster for taking an action that was supportive of the NPP. He alleged that the headmaster sent home students who owed various sums of money ranging from GHC1 upwards, during the limited voters registration exercise organised by the Electoral Commission. For him, it was not for the fact that the students owed school fees or other school-related fees that the headmaster sent them home but he had an ulterior motive for sending them away. He had an intent to enable them register their names onto the electoral roll to vote for NPP come election 2016, said Fuseini.

For his stupid reason as stated above, but which sounded credible in the corruption-waxed ears of the NDC, the headmaster has been sacked.

To Fuseini Donkor, a 30 year old semi-literate DCE who has no respect for any one because of his party being in power, will you please answer the following questions for me?

1. How do you prove that the headmaster intentionally sent the students owing fees of some sort home only to enable them register their names onto the electoral register to vote for NPP?
2. If the students did go home purposely to register their names onto the voters register, how do you conclude that they will be voting for NPP but not say, NDC or any other political party come election 2016?
3. In case the headmaster wanted them to get registered as you allege, why did he not close down the entire school to let every student go home to register? Did he favour those owing school fees or other school-related fees more than those who had at that time paid in full all their school fees?
4. By the headmaster not letting all the students go home to register their names onto the voters register, was he trying to disenfranchise some, or those who were not sent home had already got their names onto the voters register through earlier or previous registrations?

From the sacking of the headmaster by the Regional Education Office based on the spurious letter by Fuseini Donkor, one now comes to understand why the Chair of the Electoral Commission, Mrs Charlotte Osei, organised the limited voters registration at a time that school was in full session with some of the students in the tertiary institutions taking their final year exams. Most of these students could not register and she categorically refused to extend the registration to a later date to enable most of the students to register.

Was her behaviour not intentional to prevent most of the students from registering, thinking that they would in their majority vote NPP come election 2016 hence she had better block them?

If the reason behind the sacking of the headmaster is as has been confirmed to me today, Wednesday 6th July 2016, then I am afraid the NDC have colluded with Charlotte Osei to rig election 2016 big time.

Nonetheless, the good people of Ghana will not lay back for NDC to resort to foul play to win the upcoming election to continue to mismanage Ghana.

After sacking the headmaster based on the stupid allegation made by that corrupt, rude and uncivilized Fuseini Donkor, the Education Office are now trying to find a better reason for his sacking. It is now that they want to accuse him of financial impropriety.

Even though I wanted him investigated and possibly sacked, I did not expect him to be sacked for the most stupid political-accusatory reason as put forward by Fuseini Donkor.

I hope people are not going to tell me “All sack be sack” as in “ all die be die” so I should keep my mouth shut. No, I won’t, because he has been sacked for biased reason.

Charlotte Osei should not be allowed to run Ghana elections as though Ghanaians are not worth respecting. This woman is clearly in bed with NDC to help them rig election 2016 to compound the sufferings of Ghanaians.

I call on the Supreme Court to compel her to offer Ghanaians about one month more to get anyone of 18 years and above, of sound mind and of Ghanaian nationality registered onto the electoral roll.

I shall publish a petition to the Supreme Court on the above stated request. We should not allow Charlotte Osei to run Ghana worse than she would tend her backyard garden.

Whatever Fuseini Donkor and Charlotte Osei do, President Mahama and the NDC will be voted OUT come election 2016. Ghanaians can no longer cope with the obvious incompetence, corruption and cluelessness of President Mahama and the NDC.

Yes, “Count every misfortune as a blessing”. Had it not been Fuseini Donkor’s supposed letter, I would never know that Charlotte Osei’s timing of the limited voters registration was intentional for preventing students who are presumed to vote NPP in their majority from registering to vote in election 2016.

Shame on these NDC human parasites and scumbags!!!

Finally, the local Director of Education is now acting as the headmaster of Kumawu Tweneboa Kodua SHS.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Rockson Adofo