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Opinions of Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Columnist: Innocent, Ivan Kyei

The Same People With Different Faces, NPP Scores Zero

The ultimate expectation of the rank and file of the Npp has finally been

delivered to them, change in leadership which many on the elephant's

sympathy radar consider as a sure recipe for victory come 2016.

The party was so determined to flashout the pushovers, some of the gurus

forming the top brass of the party wowed to do whatever necessary to

neutralise the re-election of Sir John---Jake led executives despite the

series of charades employed by the two to remain significant in the

memories of the delegates who failed to fall prey to such cunning

strategies and emotional extortions.

The old executives hovered around the former flagbearer Addo Danquah Akuffo

Addo in an attempt to capitalise on his popularity within the party to win

electoral favours but trust Hon.Kennedy Agyapong, he would stop at nothing

to seek to the fall of such agenda.

When voices of concern reach heights,it literally means something is wrong,

the elephants wanted Sir John and his friends out no wonder the quest to

wrestle power from them in the just ended Tamale delegates conference which

many described as "flashing out the unwanted " nearly took bloody headlines.

To many, the old leadership with faces like Sir John, Jake and others had

failed the party and time has come for more responsible people to assume

the role of leadership to repair the damaged cause to the party.

Sir Jonh's adoption of rambo on rampage tactics which focused mainly on

countering Asiedu Nketia, the general secretary of the ruling NDC who is

outspoken but very cautious and political intelligent couldn't help much.

The npp's general secretary ended up draining the little integrity he had

managed to acrued to himself as lawyer into the political gutters.

You remember how shamefully he was hauled before the supreme Court for

contempt by justice Atuguba and his colleagues for casting a slur on them?

The preponderance of Sir Jonh's inactions and political misdeeds can never

be atoned for even in a centuries ahead .

Sir John was more of a disgrace to the npp, a capital liability to the

political fortunes of the elephants, a threat to Ghana's democratic

stability and a nuisance to peace loving Ghanaians, no wonder his ousting

sparked jubilation not only within the npp but many Ghanaians.

But the question is, what difference does it make to have Kwabena Agyapong

as general secretary instead of Sir John? To some of us, the value is the


He may not necessarily be vituperative and tongue lashing type as the

former scribe but Kwabena Agyapong is known for his arrogance,

Mr.intelligent attitude who virtually disrespects everyone below his

academic level.

He threads with sheer impunity making it uncomfortable for many who deal

with him on various platforms of politics.

His posturing on platforms of active discussions are so nauseating , he

speaks down at people who disagree with him on issues. A leader pregnant

with so much pride who look down at the ordinary people is bound to fail.

In as much as he's hungry for political power Kwabena Agyapong will never

swallow his pride before the ordinary people whose votes will consolidate

his position as one of the most successful general secretary in the history

books of the elephants.

More of Kwabena Agyapong will be known in the course of time and those in

jubilant mood for his coming are only going to be victims to his appalling

life style, those seething with doubts may ask Nii Tagoe what transpired

between him and Kwabena Agyapong on the day of Akuffo Addo 70th birthday at

his residence here in Accra.

He may not be vitriolic as Sir John used to be but he's another scribe

destined to render a third defeat to the npp.

Another person who suffered the wrath of the delegates was Jake who pulled

out with 66 votes.

Jake's dismissal didn't come as a surprise to all to many, in the face of

numerous campaigns launched against him, the most popular was that of Assin

Fosu MP hon. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong who accused Jake of stealing his

Chinese-made Motorbike, 66 votes were too good a consolation for a

candidate tainted as a thief by his own people.

Jake and Sir John were accused of financial malfeasances and impropriety

making them administratively unfit to hold any position within party as

time advances, so voting them out became a necessary option.

Substituting Jake for Paul Afoko may have some value of credit despite his

unappreciable political past. Given Afoko the benefit of the doubt as the

elephants struggle to cleanse their tribal blemish with Afoko's election

one can never tell what he's bringing on the table but how to translate his

big dreams into concrete ideas by restoring the lost tribal integration

into a much touted Akan party and to win favours from his colleague

northerners to accept the npp is never going to be an easy challenge.

I may agree with the elephants to certain extent that Paul Afoko may be

better than his predecessor whose integrity deterioration could only be

compensated for with just 66 votes, shamful figure for an incumbent


If memories serve us right, Sammy Awuku was the young man who dragged

before the supreme court for contempt by justice Atuguba and his colleague


Awuku's political prospects seem fine by his looks but his foul mouth and

"patapaa" intincts will definitely cause him to fail the teaming supporters

of devastated npp again.

He's one of the numerous characters who contributed to the fall of the npp

through their invective free campaign in 2012.

His political clout within npp's political background should never be

mistaken for a wider political opportunity because his demeanour and

involvement in several attempts to incite the youth in his party against

the good people of Ghana is fresh on our minds, the popular "womafuni


The saying goes if the doors of perception were to be cleansed, then man

would have everything as it seems,infinite but unfortunately, this is

another invective lord too good to design another defeat for the npp

through his chaotic tendencies.

Sammy Awuku is like a pretty girl with cheap shoes and limited social

graces, quite deceptive.

Despite the erratic behaviour of Sir John led executives, leadership wasn't

a bane of npp's electoral misfortunes but the truth is the entire party is

locked up in illusions, paranoia and delusions, the real truth is presented

to them in a form of fictions.

Npp has a sickening intuition that qualifies the party to win every

elections conducted in this country no matter what happens and when such

pitiful aspirations hit the rocks then someone must take the fall which

will either be the Ndc or the electoral commission and as they continue to

circumvent realities by dwelling in the tail ends of fake realities to

entertain their followers, blame games will forever have a place in the


There is no signal that the party is ready to learn from their past

mistakes, with one chairman Wontumi in the picture whose understanding of

politics is limited to "kitikiti and patapaa" forgotten that the

tight-trousers of a violent man is removed by law. The will definitely

decide their fate.

I take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Afari Gyan and the entire

electoral commission of Ghana for conducting free, fair and transparent

elections for the npp as they continue to widen the democratic tentacles of

Ghana across the world despite the many attempts

by certain selfish individuals to paint them otherwise.

Ghana will continue to chalk the democratic success even in the face of

plain setbacks because we are Ghanaians.

Happy easter to all my cherish readers especially a friend and a brother

Ernest Ameyaw Medical Director, HFH--T. Ghana will thrive well under

President Mahama, the Bible is my witness.

By: Ivan Kyei Innocent /[email protected] /0206262717.