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Opinions of Thursday, 26 November 2015

Columnist: Akwah, Nana

The Scare of Bawumia

I read an article on the ghanaweb about the cause or causes of the wrangling in the NPP an interview granted by Mr Kissi Boafo, an economist and a consultant, who spoke on Okay Fm’s Ade Akye Abia Morning Show, with a headline caption "Bawumia Is The Cause Of NPP's Infighting", source Peacefmonline. Definitely, there could not have been more truth than he has said or state.

On Friday 20 June 2014, I wrote an article captioned "It Is Envy of Bawumia They Have Bonded Not Nana Addo".
This was prior to the NPP presidential aspirant election. Though I did not envision the kind and magnitude of the infighting, I had a hunch that Bawumia's advent on the political scene has changed the dynamics of Ghanaian politics.

Dr Mahamadu Bawumia was vilified by the NDC as a novice whilst some NPP stalwarts kicked against his nomination to partner Nana Addo in 2008. In 2012, again some dissenting opinions and voices surfaced; nevertheless his unruffled demeanor during the disputed election at the Supreme Court brought to the fore the quality of this young brilliant scholarship.

What captured most people imagination was the ability to hold his own against the much talked about NDC legal whiz-kid Tsatsu Tsikata. His in depth analysis of facts and figures about flaws in the elections split the Supreme Court verdict which has cast negative impact on the bench.

It was the turning point in the NPP's political history - the party behaving like a dunce or call it stupidity, with all their educated. It is very irritating and the dunce of the NPP can no longer rely pettiness, envy as the infighting is earning the party a lot of bad publicity because of Bawumia.

Kissi Boafo's analytical analysis is just spot on and in my view the best thing that could happen to the NPP and must be grateful. The mentioned "tiers" being jealous of the man is an absurdity and disingenuous. I every single one of and within the "three tiers" is capable and any nursing presidential aspirations must weigh his own ability to communicate well earn it on merit.

Anyone who discount Bawumia's political potential within the NPP would be committing political suicide. Those who are jealous of the young man should be rewriting their scripts. Until the man decides otherwise he has changed the landscape and orientation within - as it tilts to his very advantage.

From my mind-eyes "Bawumiaphobia" or the scare of Bawumia has morphed into jealousy within the Ghanaian politics. The mere mention of his name and achievements sends shivers down the spines of competitors. Dr Bawumia is an embodiment of a true patriot.

Oh of jealousy - is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Many jealous people scans for evidence to prove the point all because others will be preferred and rewarded more than you.

There is only one alternative - "self-value". If you cannot find value in yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Best we can do for ourselves is to take our eyes off others and turn the scanner within.

The remedy to it is just find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put your energies into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them.

I entreat you to visit ghanaweb, modernghana or newsghana on Google and read - "It Is Envy of Bawumia They Have Bonded Not Nana Addo" and juxtapose with what Kissi Boafo's said to understand the drift of what I mean by - "the scare of Bawumia or bawumiaphobia".

If today you ask the supporters of NPP if they think Dr Mahamadu Bawumia would be a transforming vice president or a transactional one, what do you think they will reply? It would be an overwhelming interesting issue to discuss.

Philosopher Carlyle Thomas was right when he observed that the right man in the right place at the right time can completely change the course of history. I believe this to be true, because we've seen it happened.

The scare that the name Bawumia bring within both the NPP and NDC has produced a new phenomenon that I call "bawumiaphobia". Hate him or like him he is the new face of our politics. He is just phenomenal!