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Opinions of Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Columnist: Ayinenaba, Robert A.

The Search For a Running Mate

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) successfully completed one big hurdle towards victory in election 2008 in December 2007 when Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo was elected flagbearer of the party. Yet another crucial step towards election 2008 is the selection of a running mate to partner Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo to secure the third victory for the NPP.

People have offered various positions for the selection of a running mate for Nana Addo. Such positions as the selection of a northerner, Moslem and woman are neither here nor there.

It is an indubitable fact that the December 2008 election is going to be a tough one. It will, in fact, be the toughest since we embarked on a democratic journey in 1992. It is also undeniable that the race for the flagbeareship was a straight fight between two stalwarts whose campaign rejuvenated the enthusiasm in the rank and file of the Kukrudu family. This campaign also sent cold down the spines of our political opponents.

The campaign for these stalwarts resulted in a sharp division in the NPP in the run-up to the 2007 congress and even beyond. At the higher echelons of the party everything seems to be alright as all aspirants have been found campaigning with the Flagbearer, Nana Addo. This show of maturity by all the former aspirants commendable is it is has not transcended the rank and file who were divided along the two major candidates in that race.

The percentage of votes obtained by Nana Addo to emerge flagbearer has become a subject for political propaganda by our opponents. They argue with such frivolity that the flagbearer did not secure the party?s mandate positing that Nana did not win 50% plus one of votes cast at the Legon congress.

It is my firm belief that all these hindrances will be effectively redressed and the third victory (V3) guaranteed if the two giants in the flagbearership race join forces, with Hon. Alan Kyerematen as running mate to Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo.

The reasons for this call for Alan to be selected running mate are not far fetched and are informed by a strong desire for the NPP to win the December 2008 elections convincingly.

Members of Nana Addo?s campaign team still view those of Alan with suspicion and the vice versa. The unity of their teaming supporters which is crucial to the unity of the NPP comes in handy in this arrangement. The suspicion between these groups will die naturally and their energies channeled into a vigorous campaign to make V3 a reality.

Nana Addo and Alan Kyerematen organized and prosecuted one of the most effective campaigns in the flagbearership race comparable to any campaign for the presidency. What it means is that if the two come together they will win the forthcoming election with little sweat.

It is also evident that Alan by that singular act of conceding to Nana and maintaining the unity of the party at the Legon congress won the admiration of most Ghanaians. He thus represents a key to winning the floating votes which are very crucial to winning the forthcoming elections.

Apart from that, the vile propaganda that Nana Addo did not win his party?s mandate will die naturally because these are the two giants the rank and file of the NPP wanted to bear the flag of the NPP in election 2008.

It is my fervent hope that this view would be given a positive consideration as we embark on the search for a running mate for Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo.

Long Live NPP, Long Live Ghana!

Robert A. Ayinenaba Bolgatanga

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