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Opinions of Thursday, 13 December 2007

Columnist: Fosu, John

The Socio-economic Annihilation of Kumawu

H.E. John Agyekum Kuffour
The President of Ghana
Office of the President
Accra, Ghana

Cc: Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, Manhyia Palace, Kumasi; Hon. S.K. Boafo, Minister of Culture and Chieftaincy Affairs

Re: The Socio-economic Annihilation of Kumawu by the Traditional Chiefs.

Dear President,

The historical eminence of Kumawu as per the plausible methodical expansion of the then Ashanti Kingdom, and the socio-economic vibrancy that became the norm of the day, have sadly been trampled on, wiped out completely since the reign of the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II, the paramount Chief. Kumawuman under the reign of the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II saw not a single step taken forward in tentative initiation of development but a catalogue of chronic catastrophes. Kumawuman has been retrogressing at an unprecedented rate never known in the annals of its traditional governance.

Barima Asumadu Sakyi II out of egotism, lack of interest in the development and welfare of his traditional area and subjects respectively, saw the income of the area generated from the sale of lands, payment of royalties and compensations etc. running into hundreds of millions of Cedis at a time, as his personal income. For the 33 to 34 years that he spent on the throne, he misappropriated every pesewa that went into the coffers of the Traditional Council with impunity; without bothering to purchase even a bag of cement for Kumawu or the traditional area, for a developmental project. His reign was shrouded in rapaciousness, complete dictatorship without the slightest exhibit of transparency nor checks and balances. His reign has/had been memorably ruinous to be ever forgotten. His ignominious acts date from the very inception of his reign when a great sum of money was embezzled which gave rise to the then "Yateasem Movement" meant for removing him from the throne since 1975, through to one Nana Akwasi Cole deciding to abdicate over the chief's tactical intransigence to spend Hundreds of millions of Cedis on "Papa Festival" while Kumawu lacks basic amenities like public toilets and pipe borne water let alone jobs for the youth. The same untoward attitude led into altercation with his brother, Dr. James, who saw just a waste of resources when the chief decided to celebrate the recent "Papa Festival", spending always all the money in the accounts of the Traditional Council though, Kumawuman would have preferred toilets or chemically treated water. It was just the usual camouflage to dishonestly wipe the coffers clean, in an attempt to appease his avarice.

I do not personally take any delight in discussing the dead in bad reference but to establish a point, I have been obliged to cite the late chief in brief. As his attitude contagiously affected or contaminated a few of the sub-chiefs and the queen, they have also felt the need to persist in the scorned attitude of misappropriating Kumawuman funds. The Queen, the Kontirehene, the Saamahene and the Saanahene have as far back as two weeks ago, withdrawn Hundreds of Millions of Cedis from the Kumawu Traditional Council accounts with the Kumawu Rural Bank. The money they withdrew has dissipated into the thin air without accounting for. The Kontirehene has been confirmed to have authorised the money of which the queen has taken the lion's share, to be withdrawn from the Bank.

Would the President, the Asantehene and the Minister of Culture and Chieftaincy Affairs please summon the mentioned divisional chiefs, the Manager of the Bank to clarify the situation as the entire Kumawuman citizens both home and abroad are extremely angry and only God knows what their reaction will be in the next few weeks. A stitch in time saves nine. The Member of Parliament, Hon. Yaw Baah and the DCE, Hon. Philip Basoah, can hardly do anything to stop this rot which has gotten into the heads of the traditional chiefs simply for being banned from acting so by the stipulations of the government, where government officials are barred from interfering with the jobs of the traditional rulers. But I am in the same strength convinced the government will not condone the degree of misappropriation of public funds as became the order and continue to be at Kumawu. The onus of rectifying the canker pulling Kumawuman down economically and socially then falls on the President to put things right. Kumawu is currently the least among her peers though; she was once almost the best. Why? One may want to know, Mr. President. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Traditional Council, Dr. James, Akwamuhene, Aduanahene, Kontirehene, Saanahene, Saamahene, the Queen, or the Bank Manager of the Kumawu Rural Bank or any of the prominent Kumawu citizens in Accra who may now be in the know.

I earnestly look forward to seeing positive changes, verifiable accountability and cessation of wickedness towards Kumawuman by the very traditional rulers in whose hands the welfare of the area is entrusted but who have inhered aversion for its development. Thank you.

Yours truly,

John Fosu, USA

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