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Opinions of Saturday, 3 December 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Special Voting tells how the EC has already rigged election

File photo of Electoral CommissionFile photo of Electoral Commission

By Rockson Adofo

The Special Voting Tells how the EC has Already Rigged Election 2016 For NDC – Let us Reject It

The “Mahama Must Go” movement is calling on all interested opposition parties’ leadership and the economically-suffering Ghanaian masses to join them to reject the results of Election 2016.

From the way most of the SPECIAL VOTERS have not got their names on the special voters’ list when they called at their designated polling stations to exercise their franchise today, Thursday 1 December 2016, clearly confirms my worst nightmare.

I have always being saying how Mrs. Charlotte Osei has by her unceasingly dubious plots, implementing one plan after another, resolutely determined to rig election 2016 for President Mahama and the NDC. This is why the NDC are always supportive of her, even though a day-old child could clearly tell the woman is being silly with such a directive or policy. When every discerning Ghanaian is calling for such an electoral policy to be changed or amended, the NDC will hastily come out to support her insisting it remains as she has proposed.

Today, Thursday 1 December 2016, most of the security personnel, journalists, Firemen, Doctors, nurses and the certified polling station agents and Electoral Commissions’ presiding officers were shocked to discover that their names were not on the Special voting list.

At one polling station, two hundred policy officers who were meant to vote there had only one police officer’s name on the list. The other one hundred and ninety-nine officers could not vote even though they have been re-assigned to special duties elsewhere during the Election Day.

How could such officers cast their votes if their votes were not transferred to the Special voting list as they had been assured but still on the original list of the polling stations from where they registered to vote? How could they offer security protection for the polling stations they have been re-assigned to on the general voting day, 7 December 2016, if they insist on casting their votes before proceeding to perform their special duties?

All those whose names were supposed to, but did not, appear, on the special voting list, are faced with, or are in, a dilemma. They will have to go and vote first before going to their variously assigned centres or they will have to go to their designated manning centres without voting at all. Which other way it goes, the Ghanaians are on the losing end.

This is because most of these special voters are assigned to polling stations hundreds of miles away from their place of work or abode. A police officer at say Effiduase in the Ashanti region could be sent to Ho in the Volta region. How could he stay to vote at Effiduase before going to Ho to perform his special election duties? If he goes to Ho before waiting to exercise his franchise, it means he has been cunningly denied of his right to Universal adult suffrage by Charlotte Osei.

When you go to Kumawu in the Ashanti region, since time immemorial, the special voting is done at the police station but today as I write, the voting is being conducted at the forecourt of the Kumawu place. However, the people at and around the palace with the supposed Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua inclusive are all, not mostly, NDC activists and sympathisers. What is the motive behind the moving of the centre to the forecourt of the Kumawu palace this time around?

The members of the “Mahama Must Go” movement will not accept the results of Election 2016 concluding from how things are unfolding today, Thursday 1 December 2016 at the special voting centres.

The Supreme Court, Security Forces, International Election Monitoring Agencies and personnel must take notice of this publication that the election is already rigged in favour of the NDC and President Mahama by the Electoral Commission hence, we shall not accept any results to be declared by her.

The election is not being conducted with the clarity and fairness it deserves but shrouded in secret ploys and irregularities masterminded by Charlotte Osei and the NDC to rig it in favour of that party. This is why the NDC and President Mahama upon all their detestably open practice of corruption, incompetence and cluelessness, go about declaring that they have won the election already.

We shall not accept the results of Election 2016. The wind for change that is blowing will wipe off Charlotte Osei and the NDC into political oblivion. We shall resist them until they flee like a frightened dog scuttling away with its tail tucked in-between its legs.